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How is a Current Supreme Court Justice Infected by Corrupt Politics?

Who Nominated the Current Supreme Court Justice?

Current Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens was nominated and appointed to the Supreme Court during the Gerald Ford presidency and turns 89 this year, he is a sole candidate to step down and give Barack Obama a chance to nominate a new Associate Justice.

Though this responsibility is to be handed down from the president, its usually not, the president has advisors and influence that span all around him, even though he is making the initial nomination, does not necessarily mean that these are his actions.

The elite who wish to rule this country are tied very deep to the proceedings of our government, and the Supreme Court is no exception, having the most critical job pertaining to the legality of national matters is a huge interest in the elite few who financially run and govern this country.

The functions of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the front that was devised for it, the Trilateral Commission, have the political influence and wealth to make the people we think are running this country, nothing more than mere illusions of figure heads, characters in a play that we are watching on a stage.

These private organizations that you would think have some affiliation with the US government, don’t, they have the power to manipulate an entire population in the US, intimidating and influencing nine members of the Supreme Court is child’s play for these wealthy elite.

A current Supreme Court Justice can be manipulated by power like anybody else that’s under the thumb of these elite bloodlines, Zbigniew Brzezinski, a known member of the Trilateral Commission and the CFR, will now be backing the Obama campaign much like he did in the Carter presidency.

Brzezinski, named security advisor during Jimmy Carter’s tenure, has been involved with the US government since the days of JFK, being a political advisor and setting a standard in foreign relations.

Current Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has a Pretty Harsh Undertone

Listening to Antonin Scalia talk about the 2000 election case that called for a recount, is a prime example of the regard these Justices hold their status.

So arrogant and annoyed by anyone or anything criticizing their rule or their decisions.

Hearing him talk about torture and his “oh well” attitude is stomach turning, thinking about a man like this having any power over anything is a scary thought.

Only One Current Supreme Court Justice Came from the 2nd Bush Administration

You have to thank your lucky stars that we only received one Bush administration judge this second time around with the Bush regime, unfortunately, there are four judges still on the bench that were nominated by a Bush.

The Bush era of the Supreme Court is coming to an end, and it should be sooner rather than later when we get a chance to get this conservative nonsense out of our court systems.

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