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Human Rights Solutions for Guantanamo Bay Detainees Need to be Addressed

Was Obama Established Effective Human Rights Solutions for Guantanamo Prisoners?

Guantanamo Bay is an issue of heated concern in America, and never before have we understood the need for effective human rights solutions with this prison as we do today.

By all looks and counts, President Barrack Obama is on it, but the international world questions how authentic his initiatives are.

Guantanamo Bay is a prison where hundreds of military prisoners have been held without warrant, and tortured and persecuted at the hands of Americans.

The Guantanamo situation is one that has highlighted the need for human rights solutions for our friends and global citizens, and this is an issue that has become household terminology in America.

Obama’s vision on this issue speaks well in front of the media, as does every issue that he speaks about, but when it comes to what is happening behind closed doors, international officers question him.

Possible solutions for current Guantanamo prisoners range from closing the facility and releasing prisoners to their home country, freeing them of torture.

And although the European Union is interested in helping Obama close the doors to Guantanamo, they do not feel that releasing the prisoners to their homeland is the best solution.

The European Union feels that by releasing detainees back to their homeland, they run the risk of facing more torture and abuse by their own citizens.

So Obama has asked the European Union to assist in this effort by resettling the prisoners to alternate countries.

240 Prisoners Still in Guantanamo

So if both the European Union and the United States have agreed to free these prisoners, why are they still in Guantanamo?

Today, 240 prisoners are still suffering in Guantanamo Bay and, outside of false hope, are not being offered any human rights solutions at all.

Of those 240, approximately 60 of them are from countries such as China, Uzbekistan, Libya, and Algeria, and fear, abuse, and torture is what awaits them when they get home. If they get home.

The European Union is willing to help out in resettling these detainees, and finding them homes in alternate countries.

Resettling them will be the most difficult part of the solution.

Obama Didn’t Want to Get His Hands Dirty

But America is kind of balking at the idea, and acting a little wishy washy at the thought of providing homes for prisoners that they took themselves.

Other countries feel that if America won’t take any, why should they? And they kind of have a point.

And given that many of these detainees were scheduled for release in 2004, and still remain in Guantanamo today, how can anyone believe that America is working towards effective human rights solutions for these prisoners?

Our country is directly responsible for the wrongful detention and torture of these prisoners, and yet we are offering absolutely no recourse or solution to help them out.

Instead, we are leaving the issue to the European Union and hoping they will clean up our mess.

Instead, we would rather once again, ignore the problem and hope it goes away. Was this the Obama you voted for?

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