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Human Rights Violations in Japan Involve the Death Penalty

Human Rights Violations in Japan Are Killing People. 

When people think of human rights violations in Japan, they probably think of the obvious, such as racism and sexism, but what they are missing is one of the greatest violations.

The worst violation in Japan right now involves the death penalty, as people are being executed for crimes they were wrongly convicted of, and as soon as they are executed, they are forgotten.

People are allowing this to go on even though the government is nothing more than a murderer.

There are people that are scheduled to be hanged in Japan, and even though hanging is barbaric, it continues to go on with little notice.

These human rights violations in Japan have been largely ignored by the US because the US is no better, as it also actively kills people and calls it justice.

What happened to murder being wrong, no matter who was committing it?

What happened to life being important?

People are using execution as a way to control the population, and it is disgusting and must be stopped.

How can the government decide who lives and who dies?

How can the people sit by and watch this happen when all life is supposed to be sacred.

People are very reluctant to work to stop executions, but that reluctance needs to give way to a new sense of urgency, as people must take control of the situation and fight for all life.

People who are pro life are also pro execution and that makes absolutely no sense.

Execution is done for population control and eugenics and that is why it is so important for people to fight back and stop it from happening before it is too late and the population dwindles down to nothing.

The elite want you to watch people die and they want you to feel as if it is a good thing that they are getting murdered.

They want you to cheer the people on when the needle is put in the vein or the person falls into the gallows, and this is disgusting.

Human rights violations in Japan and the U.S. must stop, as the world needs to move past executions.

The world must step into the new age and leave this ignorance behind.

It is time for change, and while the world does not need the kind of change Obama is promising, they do need change in order to return back to humanity and leave these human rights violations behind.

Human Rights in Japan

Eugenics and Death

The elite are firm believers in eugenics, and they use the death penalty as a way to wipe out a part of the population.

The elite are killing people just so they will not have as many to control and so they can further the elite race.

The elite are willing to take out anyone to fulfill their mission. That could mean you.

You might not be sitting on death row today but you could be tomorrow.

Out of Touch

Human rights violations in Japan show how out of touch the world is today.

People have turned their backs on those that need them the most. They have disappeared from society.

They are not helping people who are victims. They are not supporting life. They are allowing the elite to take over.

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