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Ideological Indoctrination

Ideological Indoctrination is a Central Strategy of the  Banking Mafia Who Uses the School System to Teach Students to Become Adults Who Follow Direction Without Question.

The banking mafia would like to use ideological indoctrination in order to get you to believe that you need to support the government regardless of the message.

The banking mafia has been using their control over the education system in order to make it possible to create a New World Order.

They would like for you to believe that you will be better off in a world where you do not have to think for yourself.

They are trying to get you to put more and more trust into the government to be able to protect you from harm.

This is why they are teaching the youth in school that the government is something completely different that what it is.

They have altered the history books of the nation in order to make you believe that the government is so involved with your protection that they are willing to go to war over it.

The history of the nation will show that the union army went to war with the southern army because the government was trying to abolish slavery.

This of course is a complete fabrication as the northern states were just as against the abolishment of slavery as the southern states were.

The southern states had simply had enough of being ruled by a tyrannical government that was supposed to be different from the one they fought so hard to be free of.

When the southern states tried to free themselves from the tyranny of the U.S. government, they were forced through violence to remain as a member of the union.

The banking mafia does not want for you to know this, because they would like for you to believe that you are actually free to make decisions.

Political Choice

One of the ways in which the ideological indoctrination is being used to control you is by making you believe that you actually have control over the way in which the government is run.

They would like for you to believe that the two party system is created to help you.

They want for you to believe that if you align yourself with one party or another that you will be able to align yourself with those that will vote the same way that you will.

In this manner, you vote for those that you believe are the best for the nation.

Nation of Control

While the banking mafia is using ideological indoctrination against you, the government is gaining ever more control over your minds.

The two party system is being used not to help you have better control over the government, but to accept the fact that nothing ever gets done.

While you are frustrated that nothing ever gets done in congress, the banking mafia want for you to believe that it is because the opposing party is voting against your elected official.

In truth, nothing gets done in the bills that will help you because it is not in the banking mafia’s best interest.

Controlling the Mind

The reason that the youth are being subjected to the ideological indoctrination is because the banking mafia need for them to believe that the government loves them.

They are able to accomplish this by making sure that the public does not ask too many questions about what is actually going on.

In order to keep you from asking too many questions, the banking mafia has been changing the textbooks to teach only the broadest possible subjects in order to make sure that you only know enough to get by and not enough to really know what is going on in your own world.

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