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Illegal Federal Reserve Bank Atlanta

The Federal Reserve Bank Atlanta is Part of the Unconstitutional Federal Reserve Network Controlled by the Powerful Elite Banking Cabal. They Enslave Americans.

The Federal Reserve Bank Atlanta forms an intricate part of America’s central banking system.

Out of the twelve strategically placed Federal Reserve districts, the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank serves the sixth. They can never be trusted.

Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Florida, Tennessee and Mississippi are all covered by this Federal Reserve branch.

The Atlanta Federal Reserve, being part of America’s central banking system, partakes in setting and regulating our nation’s monetary policy and offering financial services to our federal government.

The majority of American citizens are unaware that the Federal Reserve is an illegal entity that does not have legal standing under the Constitution.

Article I Section 8 of our Constitution makes it clear that it is the responsibility of Congress to create and control money.

Yet the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 saw Congress’ responsibility delegated to the Federal Reserve, a private banking system owned by elitist bankers.

The true nature of the Federal Reserve os often hidden behind the world “federal”, causing many of us to believe that the Fed is a government agency it is not.

In theory, the Fed is regulated. But the Board of Governors that is supposed to regulate it has never called for a public audit or even a congressional audit of the central banking system.

In reality, there is an elitist shadow government that operates behind the facade of our federal government, and these elitists have gained control over our nation by controlling our monetary system.

Federal Reserve Bank Atlanta Secret

“We are completely dependent on the commercial banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation cash or credit.

“If the banks create ample synthetic money, we are prosperous; if not, we starve.

“We are absolutely without a permanent money system.

“When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is.

“It is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon.”

– Robert H. Hemphill, former credit manager, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Hemphill wrote this statement in 1934, and yet it is still so relevant today.

We need to reflect upon our monetary system, because the Federal Reserve has become possibly the most powerful entity in the world.

The Fed creates our money out of nothing, pays the trivial cost of printing this money, and lends it to our federal government at an exorbitant interest rate.

We are liable for this money through taxes, and the reality is the bankers benefit while our country is bled dry. 

Abolish Federal Reserve Bank Atlanta

The legal right to make money is a powerful tool, and a profitable one too. 

The banking elite are profiting to our utter detriment. Through their arbitrary regulation of our economy, they have ensured that our debt has reached trillions of dollars.

In 2005, the federal debt was almost $8 trillion, that’s approximately $26,672 for every American citizen.

Debt is enslavement, and the Fed bankers are ensuring that they have complete control over our nation and the world through corrupt lending practices.

It is time we call for the abolition of the Fed. We need to defend our Constitution.

The Federal Reserve Bank Atlanta, along with the eleven other Federal Reserve banks, must be abolished.

The elitist Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgans, Schiffs and Warburgs are enslaving us to their New World Order agenda through debt.

We need to uncover their underhanded ways, and defend our Constitution at all cost.

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