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In October, Ohio State Supreme Court Ruled that Ohio Voters Could Register to Vote and Cast an Absentee Ballot on the Very Same Day

Did The Ohio State Supreme Court Enable Voter Fraud?

In the months before the 2008 Presidential Election, we were told, voters were registering in record numbers, the voter turnout was even expected to cause problems on Election Day.

During previous elections in the state of Ohio, large crowds and long lines of voters had been a problem in several cities.

The Ohio State Supreme Court may have had this in mind when they decided, a month before Election Day, to re-interpret legislation and allow new voters to register and then vote on the same day.

Somehow, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) and other groups like it immediately started a Get-Out-The-Vote campaign in Ohio.

Members of the Ohio State Supreme Court who dissented the majority opinion stated that the decision violated the Ohio State Constitution which required voters to register 30 days prior to Election Day.

Still, the decision allowed groups like ACORN a window of opportunity to register voters who will vote for the candidate that the recruiters promote.

Over the past decade, it should be noted, numerous ACORN volunteers have been convicted of voter fraud in one form or another; common practices seem to include registering convicted felons, duplicate registrations, registering names from the phone-book, and even giving people money and cigarettes for registering.

Ohio State Supreme Court and ACORN

The Origins of ACORN

The man who founded ACORN, Wade Rathke, previously worked for the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) in Massachusetts before moving to Little Rock, Arkansas to start his own organization. 

Early in its inception, the NWRO was open about their intention to raise public awareness of government assistance programs and ultimately promote the idea that the government should provide for everyone.

Within a couple years after Rathke started ACORN, the NWRO went bankrupt and disappeared.

Some people have suggested that perhaps there was too much opposition to their known socialist agenda, the group needed to whitewash their real goals in the eyes of the public.

Rathke may have been sent to Little Rock to found a new organization that would have less radical motives.

Implicating Obama

While ACORN has received a lot of media attention regarding their illegal voter registration activities, there has not been much emphasis on the link between Barrack Obama and ACORN.

It appears however, that they are long-time associates.

The President has admitted to serving as legal counsel for ACORN and also speaking to their volunteers and trainees on occasion.

It is alleged that Obama coached ACORN representatives about bullying banks into approving sub-prime mortgage loans.

During his last Senate campaign, Obama reportedly paid $800,000 to an ACORN affiliate for their voter registration services.

He now says that it was not paid directly to ACORN.

Whether ACORN knew about the Ohio State Supreme Court decision in advance is a matter of speculation, but they did indeed get to work quickly afterward. 


Behind ACORN, a massive web of small businesses and organizations has been discovered.

Most of them are in some way related to government assistance programs, grants, and loans of one kind or another. 

Researchers trying to get to the bottom of ACORN corruption have found many cases of criminal fraud being conducted by these ACORN-related companies.

For instance, a company can receive funding to revitalize a building in a troubled neighborhood, under a government program that another tentacle of ACORN lobbied for, and then sell that property to another party and take all of the money.

In this case, it was later found that the company was not even registered to operate in the state it received funding from.

The official mailing address of ACORN is a rented mailbox, which is shared by more than 70 other companies.

This evidence suggests that there may perhaps be some sort of money laundering operation going on, but one might also wonder if there is some agenda behind swindling money from the government.

Might it be related to the ultimate agenda of the NWRO?

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