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In Order to Triumph Over Tyranny Good Men Must Do Something

In Order to Triumph Over Tyranny Man Cannot Stand Idle.

There is a quote that goes something like this:

“In order for tyranny to triumph good men need only stand idly by.”

Turn it to a more positive, uplifting statement and it can just as equally be said that in order to triumph over tyranny good men must act. 

Tyranny rules by oppressing the people; the oppression generally works through some form of fear let loose amongst the populace. 

Fear is an extremely powerful tool; fear is probably the most common reason why a person fails to do something or act in any given situation. 

It may be fear of failure; fear of pain; fear of defeat; fear of public ridicule; or maybe it is fear of the unknown that cripples some or all within society. 

Fear is dependent on a person’s inability to act under situations of pressure and uncertainty. 

However, as the quote alludes to, it is just that inability to act that allows tyranny (through that fear) to maintain its control over the people that stand in fear of it. 

What most fail to realize though, in order to triumph over tyranny the people have one simple thing to do–take away that fear. 

An easy argument against taking that fear away is that the people will then stand the chance of getting killed in some form of rebellion or sent to jail for not obeying the law (oppressive as it may be). 

Valid argument as this may be, the end result is what one must keep in mind. 

All revolutions began as a collection of law breakers; people that had decided that they were sick and tired of the current regime. 

Truly tyrannical governments will tend to have quite a large population that will feel this way. 

For these governments to be considered tyrannical the people must overcome at least their fear of speaking up; if the problem is never stated, the problem can never be fixed. 

That is essentially what our founding fathers did. 

They had grown weary of the ever tightening tyrannical rule that England was exercising over the colonies. 

Diplomacy failed; so did non-violent methods of protest. 

Inevitably, armed rebellion was seen as the only way out, sometimes in order to triumph over tyranny, this is what it takes. 

What stands important here is that the people did not let fear rule, they tried to mend the broken bridges. 

Nothing worked, however, and it was deemed necessary for arms to be taken up in order to triumph over tyranny. 

Founding Fathers: The Threat of Tyranny

18th Century Philosophy is a Right Today as It was Two Hundred Years Ago

The philosopher Montesquieu once said,

“There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.”

Current actions by the federal government have been leaning more and more towards just this type of tyranny. 

The Patriot Act will forever stand as a prime example of tyranny perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice. 

In the name of protecting the citizens of the nation from further terrorist activity, the federal government has made many fear the government protecting them. 

If the government will go as far as it already has in the destruction of civil liberties, what is to say it will not stop?

What is to say that it will not continue crushing the freedoms of the people in order to protect them from those that hate our way of life (as the government likes to put it)?

 In order to justify their actions, government officials will continue to refer to the attacks of 9/11 claiming they are just trying to keep them from happening again.

In the process they create the very tyranny that this country is supposed to stand against. 

For the war on terror to be won; in order to triumph over tyranny, the government will have to act in a manner in which the people will not have reason to fear those that they should trust–their government. 

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