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Iraq War Protesters Voice Beliefs

Iraq War Protesters Fight to Bring Troops Home; Freedom of Speech Rings Loud for U.S. Activists and First Amendment!

Iraq war protesters continue to fight for US troops to come home. These war protesters will tell you that it is not the troops that they are protesting against but the war itself and the reasons for the war.

Most of the protesters support the troops and their efforts for our country as a whole. The government would have us believe that it is the same type of protest that occurred during the Vietnam conflict but it is not.

There are not protesters out there spitting on our troops and harassing them for having to fight.

The Iraq war protesters are fighting for troops to come home because the reasons given to the people were not the truth and they know it.

We are in this war for the money hungry wealthy elitist and mega rich oil companies for one reason.

The United Nations felt that we shouldn’t be in Iraq but Bush just thumbed his nose up at them and doesn’t what he wants to continue to drive us to a one world order.

People are becoming more and more aware of governments ultimate goal of control and power over people and the Iraq war protester are part of this group of people.

Even the Elderly Jailed for Protest

Government Helping the Rich Get Richer

Iraq war protesters will continue to fight until the troops are home. Obama said he would have the combat troops home by the end of 2009 if you can believe him.

Here is the issue that people need to think about. He said combat troops not all troops. He will continue to keep our bases there and combat ready troops in Iraq.

The plan that Obama has is to send in more mercenaries and people to continue with watching Iran and Afghanistan.

So will the war actually be over or is that we already have provided the top 3 mega oil companies with oil for awhile. Even though government and the media has told the public this isn’t what we are there for.

Without theme the people would not have a voice in letting government know how strongly they feel.

They could notify representatives from their area but they know that it does no good so they have to keep up the good work.

People need to follow the laws to keep from being harassed or arrested and hope that this will work.

We Will be a Voice for Our Troops

Once our young men and women are in the service and being sent over to fight they no longer have any say about what is happening.

They are used to fight and as guinea pigs for vaccinations. The only rights they have are those given them.

You could understand if your fighting a war protecting human rights or our people.

Iraq war protesters understand this and feel that it is a waste of lives of our young men and women.

We must support our troops in every way that we can and speaking out about a war that we shouldn’t be in is one way that the people are doing this.

It may not change a thing but it will not be because people didn’t try.

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