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Is CO2 Causing Global Warming and a Good Reason for the New Taxation?

CO2 Causing Global Warming is a Fraud!

The climate change definition made by the government is absolutely untrue.

The Earth’s climate change is and has always been a fact, because the climate has always been changing for thousands of years.

It was changing in many different parts of the planet and at various rates, and it will continue to do so in the future.

Real scientific research is proving that the main driver for climate change is a variation of the heat levels and other radiation forms which come from the Sun.

The public hasn’t been interested into details of the whole global warming and climate change story and doesn’t know the scientific facts so it could be easily manipulated.

The climate change is a phenomenon which comes from the nature’s cycles but this is not the information the public is receiving through media.

The government made CO2 causing global warming fraud by saying that global warming is a man-made process and that all due to CO2 usage.

As the only solution how to fix it, the government imposed a tax on the emissions of CO2 caused by humans, popularly called the carbon tax.

The world leaders together with Barack Obama are promising new regulations in order to fight the global warming.

Of course, these massive regulations will cost us millions of dollars.

This issue is in fact one of many issues made by the elite in order to fill their pockets and keep the public manipulated and in fear.

We are facing a feeling of guilt and we fear what will happen next.

Is CO2 causing global warming and is it a good reason for the new taxation?

No and no!

Staged Events and Issues are Nothing New

It is very simple how the elite manipulates the public constantly staging the events, terrorist attacks and major world disasters.

The story about CO2 causing global warming is nothing but another staged public issue made in the purpose of globalization and control of the people.

We have already been introduced to the topic of global warming through the Hollywood movies, UN’s protocols and media dramatization of this issue.

UN’s Kyoto Treaty and the US Today

In February 2005 United Nations declared The Kyoto Treaty which came in action against world global warming.

Kofi Annan, the UN’s Secretary-General urged the public to make action against global warming and save the planet by putting the sanctions on greenhouse gases such as CO2.

The United States were claimed to be the world’s largest polluter and were urged with the great power to submit to the UN’s declared protocol.

With the statements Barack Obama made, today it is highly transparent that the US won’t oppose and that carbon taxation will be one of the primary issues that will increase the elites profit.

The machinery of new world order and the true intentions of the elite is slowly being shown to more and more people.

The public is only put into more chains and as if being on a leash controlled constantly by the all mighty masters.

What is next that is in store for us?

What is the next fact less, for our own good issue that will affect us?

CO2 causing global warming is one of many issues that will start the process of the new world order.

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