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Kill H1N1 Virus

Don’t Use Dangerous Vaccines to Kill H1N1 Virus.

Kill H1N1 virus, but don’t use the vaccine that, according to experts is much more dangerous than the virus.

London doctors have concluded Tamiflu, the recommended H1N1 swine flu vaccine can cause more harm than good. They state that it should certainly not be given to children. 

The vaccine utilizes an unapproved adjuvant known as Squalene, which causes the body’s own defense system of hyper react. 

The injection bypasses the body’s normal defense against infectious disease, the IgA immune system which guards the entrances through mucous membranes. 

The virus itself should run a normal course, without any injections, according to experts including Australia’s Federal Health Minister, Nicola Roxon. 

Your body can kill H1N1 virus without assistance, just as it was designed to do with any infectious disease that enters the body. 

Global criminals, through the FDA, have managed to fill our food supply with dangerous additives that weaken both mind and body. They want to weaken your body and mind so you are susceptible to disease. 

The game being played on humanity is a life-or-death con, waged for outright control of the planet as criminals look to build a New World Order.

It’s Personal

To kill H1N1virus you need look no further than your own body, which has ample defense mechanisms to withstand and overcome this disease. 

That is why the vaccine was designed to bypass your body’s ability to defend itself against the virus.

The swine flu virus was produced in the laboratory for release in the general human population.

The vaccine carries strands of the virus and, via injection, blasts them into your blood stream.

If you value your personal freedom you will think twice before allowing anyone to put anything in your blood. 


To kill H1N1 virus naturally, it helps to realize the game that is being played and to rise above it. They want you to be afraid because the fearful are vulnerable. 

According to government, the first to be injected with the deadly vaccine will be the children, to be lined up by unsuspecting parents. 

In a move to strike fear into the hearts of man, the elite play a no-holds-barred game with humanity held in the balance.

Mind Game

Your television broadcasts criminal programming as global bankers have purchased every major network in the world. Their messages are designed to bring you in line. 

Your grocer’s shelves are filled with dangerous additives like aspartame, sugar and fluoride, all of which alter the mind’s ability to think. Some do much worse. 

The real game being played by the few who are becoming aware of a deeper part of themselves, is a game of self-realization.

The self realized cannot be touched by the fear the criminals are selling.

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