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Laws Concerning Freedom of Speech

Laws Concerning Freedom of Speech Should Not be Allowed Under the U.S. Constitution. 

Even though the right to freedom of speech is protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution, there are still laws concerning freedom of speech, and those laws prohibit free speech and thus violate the Constitution. 

The most blatant violation of free speech has been the Patriot Act, as it criminalizes speech that is against the government, much like Joseph Stalin did in his totalitarian government. 

When Stalin ruled Russia, he held trials for those who spoke out against the government and then he executed those people in order to show the people of Russia such acts would not be tolerated. 

The U.S. has taken a page from his playbook, even calling the offense by the same name, which is terrorism. 

The U.S. has decided it is a terrorist act to speak out against the government, which is why they have made laws concerning freedom of speech so they can restrict the freedoms of the people and continue to spread the propaganda of the government. 

The war on terrorism was used as an excuse to take away the rights and liberties of the people, even though under the Constitution the U.S. government is not allowed to make any laws or rules that prohibit freedom of speech. 

While the Patriot Act is not the only of the laws concerning freedom of speech, it is the most damaging, as it will surely lead the U.S. into a totalitarian state of government. 

Just like Stalin’s Russia, the people of the United Sates no longer have a voice, and when the voice is gone, the government has complete and total control. 

That control has spilled over to the internet and other forums, and it has worked to completely take away the right to freedom of speech for all Americans and foreign visitors. 

This is not the America that was dreamed up years ago, and it will be the death to America unless it is changed. 

Freedom is the only way for America to stay true to itself, and due to the increased power of the government and the New World Order elite, freedom is no longer realized.

Miller Test

The Supreme Court creates laws that restrict freedom of speech by using the Miller Test.

The Miller Test gauges obscenity and then rules in favor or against the right to free speech, depending on how the speech stands up against the test. 

The problem with that is, the views of obscenity change from one person to the next, and one should not be stricken down simply because the speech is deemed obscene by some.

Freedom is absolute, and it should not be taken away. 

The Internet

The government is attempting to enact laws concerning freedom of speech and the internet.

Currently, they are relying on censorship in order to keep freedom of speech on the internet at bay, and they are working to have complete and total control of the internet. 

The lines of communication in the United States are gone. People are no longer able to speak freely out of fear of repercussions.

Big brother is watching no matter what someone does or what they say.

Big brother is always waiting to arrest someone for saying something the government feels is unacceptable. 

The New World Order elite are afraid of free speech, and they have enlisted the government to keep an eye on the people and restrict their rights.

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