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Learning to See Ordered Chaos

Ordered Chaos is no Oxymoron When You Know the Goals and Methods of the Elite Ruling Class.

Most citizens throughout the world view the current state of affairs as chaotic and out of control, believing there is no greater order to the chaos surrounding them.

However, in order for specific forces within industry or government to gain power over people or facets of their lives, they are compelled to create situations which appear chaotic. 

The theory of ordered chaos stems directly from the old adage or maxim that plainly states the strategy being employed upon us, and that is “divide and conquer”.

It would be exceptionally difficult for any entity, no matter how powerful, to assert outright control and usurp the system in a obvious manner, so a more clever form of trickery must be employed. 

By dividing people in various groups, it becomes a far more reasonable prospect to defeat them, as you can play various groups against each other until most sectors of society have been defeated.

A good example of this paradigm can be found in any facet of our society, such as smokers vs. nonsmokers, pro-life vs. pro-choice, or democrats vs. republicans, or any other divisive subculture. 

The reality behind all of this is there are forces or entities striving to dominate everyone and everything and exert control over it, while we the people are being played as pawns in this grand chess game. 

If you can divide the population into various subgroups, then create a situation where they are in direct conflict, you can guide them both far easier into achieving your goals while they are completely oblivious to the overall grand scheme.

Divide and Conquer

The paradigm of divide and conquer is so pervasive in our society and culture, and in fact any society or culture found in history, for a very simple reason.

This reason is because it works so efficiently and effectively, and has not deviated in any great way for thousands of years. 

Whether we are discussing the politics of ancient Rome, or the state of affairs in our modern world, divide and conquer are a central catalyst manipulating both systems creating an ordered chaos.

This style of control has been employed to great effect in the realm of politics and government in nearly every nation through history.

It is a means to effectively tie up opposition by branding them as members of a particular group or sect, derailing their attempts to bring up legitimate points or create effective change within the system.

Strategy of Domination

It is a very simple yet powerful strategy, as anyone whom questions or criticizes the current ruling establishment are categorized as part of the opposition.

This, in many cases, can nullify their attempts to raise important issues for civil discourse. 

In the wake of the ordered chaos that follows, the ruling establishment remains in power and changes are never made to the status quo. 

The people spend a majority of their time, wealth, and energy fighting each other over petty issues, derailing each others attempts to gain progress, resulting in an ordered chaos. 

This stark reality ensures the wealthy elite who are already in control of the institutions of society continue to remain in power without having any legitimate threats to it arise. 

Although this may seem like simple human nature, the mass media and populations themselves ensure that no real threat to power ever arises and those in power are protected from being exposed for what they really are.

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