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Let’s Define Zionism

To Finally Define Zionism is Needed in Today’s World. A Handful of Elite Zionists Are Protected From Exposure by Hiding Behind Laws Against Antisemitism; They’re Not the Same.

Let’s define Zionism. It is a loaded word that carries with it many preconceptions from the individual reading or hearing it.

The word itself carries connotations of religion, race and politics. Many have no idea of the true meaning of the  word.

To explore the meaning we must consider what the word’s true usage and meaning really are and remove the extraneous baggage it holds.

Why must we do this? Because in today’s political world, the word “Zionism” is used almost daily by people of all stripes to attempt to define many things that the word may not be meant to define.

It’s used by some to define a political movement, others to define a globalistic agenda, and still more to commit racial slurs.

“A Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to growing anti-Semitism and sought to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

“Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel.”

That is the core definition of Zionism and what it means, really, despite whatever might be added to it in connotation.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that those involved in Zionism those who press the Zionist agenda continually won’t also attempt to slur the word into something new.

In fact, those critical of Zionism, which is a political movement, will often be attacked as anti-semitic because Zionism in the minds of those who support it is nearly always a racial and religious issue instead.

This despite it’s clear political agenda as shown in the definition above.

Why the Racial Issue to Define Zionism?

Those who attempt to confuse Zionism with Judaism or Jewry are often the ones who support Zionism rather than the racists who are truly anti-semitic. Why is this?

It is due to the phenomenon in the modern Western psyche known as “race guilt”.

When accused of being a racist, nearly all Western people will respond by becoming defensive and attempting to refute the fact that they are in any way racist a position which can rarely be won, once the accusation is accepted.

This tactic allows the accuser to thwart any attempts by the accused to properly define Zionism or give a meaningful argument against Zionism or its actions.

Thus facts are ignored and the argument becomes a purely emotional fray based on racial tension and animosity.

To thwart this tactic, some anti-Zionists who attempt to expose the globalist agendas of the Zionist movement usually do one of two things: ignore the accusation and continue with their argument, or accept the accusation for what it is (nonsense coming from a race-baiter) and continue with their argument. Alexander Cockburn, the journalist, is famous for this.

To Define Zionism – Global Agenda

So what is the true agenda of Zionism in modern times? Originally, the aim of Zionism was to establish a Jewish state in Palestine.

Now that this has occurred, why does Zionism still exist? Ostensibly, Zionism is the support and promotion of the State of Israel and its policies.

This is generally the case with most Zionists and, provided they are rational about their arguments, it is perfectly acceptable.

Often, however, Zionism becomes an issue of not just the continual violence against the Palestinians and threats of violence against neighboring political states, but also of a growing globalist agenda to establish a New World Order and global government.

Many point to questions about Israeli agent involvement or knowledge of the 9/11 attacks in New York and Virginia and whether that involvement was the planned catalyst for creating the steps we now see around us leading towards the New World Order.

Define Zionism, 9/11, and the New World Order

“The rise of the Conspiracy over the last two centuries parallels the rise of Zionism. This is not a coincidence.

“Early on, the Conspiracy realized that it needed a strong political agency, Zionism, and its own country where it would be free from all governmental oversight… that menaces the world today through Washington.”

-Donald Cassidy, In Remembrance of the September 11th Dead!

Much of the U.S. defense technology and military hardware is now closely tied to Israeli companies. In fact, the state of Israel is the number one foreign contractor for U.S. arms in the world.

That alone says much about their influence on American military policy.

The final push towards a New World Order and global governance is all about enslavement and control.

The few elites at the top, who are all proponents of Zionism as part of their agenda, are pressing the rest of us into slavery through economics, politics, and religion.

The sooner we realize this, the sooner we’ll start fighting back. Whether 9/11 was instigated by, helped by, or just coincidentally known to Israeli agents matters little.

The after-effects of 9/11 are huge–fast-paced moves towards a police state, global anarchy, and the establishment of a New World Order have commenced since.

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