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Limits on Freedom of Speech

Limits on Freedom of Speech Diminish the Constitution. 

The harm principle and the hate principle are used to impose the limits on freedom of speech. 

With those principles in mind, the government has taken a tremendous steps in regards to limiting the freedom of speech and imposing their own values on the public. 

Under these principles, the government has decided obscene speech is not protected under the Constitution, and due to that decision, they have limited a great deal of speech and expression. 

The problem is, though, obscenity does not have a clear cut definition and because of that, it is impossible to declare something obscene as the next person might not see a problem with the speech or action at all. 

The government, or more accurately the New World Order elite, have taken it upon themselves to decide what is obscene. 

They pretend the people of the United States are made up of puritans who blush and turn the other way when something is said. 

In addition, hate speech is another of the limits on freedom of speech. 

While most people do not like hate speech and turn their back on it, it is interesting what the government considers to be hate speech and what they tolerate. 

For example, the Ku Klux Klan spreads a message of hate, and yet they are allowed to march freely on the streets of the country, invading the lives of others. 

That is not considered to be hate speech by the government, but it is hate speech if someone uses a slur against someone. 

It is interesting that the government defines hate speech in a way that allows for hate to march on parade, but does not allow for slurs to be said. 

It is almost as if the government has a private agenda in regards to the limits on freedom of speech, and if something gets in the way of that agenda, they limit it. 

If something does not bother them, they decide it must be okay for the public. 

There are also limits on speech in the schools, and those limits are not covered by the Constitution. 

They lead to the degradation of the education system in the United States, which shows why the country is behind in education when compared to other countries.

Freedom and Dissent

Dissenters face the limits on freedom of speech, as they are often jailed for attempting to show the world what they think.

They are not allowed to do so in today’s society, which is a disgrace. 

The United States Constitution was created to protect such people, but instead, the government hurts them. 

The Truth

Freedom of speech should not be restricted based on the moral ideas of the government, and yet it is restricted because the government feels it is okay to force their own views on society. 

The United States is not against hate speech but they are against anti government demonstrations and because of that, the United States will never be a fair or free society. 

There will always be someone who is allowed to spew hate, and there will always be a group that is silenced because they do not agree with the government or the banking mafia.

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