List of Doctors Telling the TRUTH About Vaccines
I don’t know how many times I have heard pro-vaxxers claim that the only doctor to dare speak ill about vaccines was one lone quack doctor who published a false study and lost his license for it. Well, anyone who has done even ten minutes of research knows that autism is not the only issue with vaccines and Dr. Andrew Wakefield (who pharma propagandists label the lone quack) is NOT the only medical professional to sound the alarm. Here’s a compiled list of just fifty of them for your reference. Shut down the propagandists and misguided masses with this list!
1. Dr. Russell Blaylock – https://youtu.be/v5xHV8_Njfc
2. Dr. Anthony Phan https://youtu.be/-3eQMI3cDKM
3. Dr. Nancy Banks – https://youtu.be/5F_yj1T8Qu8
4. Dr. Shiv Chopra – https://youtu.be/X0kf3W6z0ts
5. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny – https://youtu.be/GO2xn9Svp6g
6. Dr. Suzanne Humphries – https://youtu.be/XUORtLSg19E
7. Dr. Larry Palevsky – https://youtu.be/K2IgLj2If44
8. Dr. Toni Bark – https://youtu.be/VQJ1XdA60dQ
9. Dr. Andrew Wakefield – https://youtu.be/14I9cx3k0DI
10. Dr. Meryl Nass – https://youtu.be/oimq1YrDi3w
11. Dr. Raymond Obomsawin – https://youtu.be/KtN0PMJOOjM
12. Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot – https://youtu.be/CEx_pQlHzas
13. Dr. Robert Rowen – https://youtu.be/UtJwNKvHh2Y
14. Dr. David Ayoub – https://youtu.be/CQnTVD4CR8c
15. Dr. Boyd Haley PhD – https://youtu.be/anirpRdz8I8
16. Dr. Rashid Buttar – https://youtu.be/4zJrkPJXAh0
17. Dr. Roby Mitchell – https://youtu.be/r051fXtfng8
18. Dr. Ken Stoller – https://youtu.be/JnD8Il2PS9E
19. Dr. Mayer Eisenstein – https://youtu.be/NfaISU0AmZ8
20. Dr. Frank Engley, PhD – https://youtu.be/2T0Qcbx48YM
21. Dr. David Davis – https://youtu.be/6LfipChRciY
22. Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych – https://youtu.be/8h66beBrEpk
23. Dr. Harold E Buttram – http://www.whale.to/vaccines/buttram.htm
24. Dr. Kelly Brogan – http://www.whale.to/vaccine/a_shot_never_worth_taking.html
25. Dr. RC Tent – https://youtu.be/YuDvRSvyz5Y
26. Dr. Rebecca Carley – https://youtu.be/9WoMps4Pmpo
27. Dr. Andrew Moulden – http://vactruth.com/2009/07/21/dr-andrew-moulden-interview-what-you-were-never-told-about-vaccines/ https://youtu.be/C6Pb2gqbkyk
28. Dr. Jack Wolfson – https://youtu.be/SfSjYOSSc58
29. Dr. Michael Elice – http://vaccineimpact.com/2015/dr-michael-elice-m-d-media-promoting-medical-harm-to-our-children/
30. Dr. Terry Wahls – https://youtu.be/4kwgkI1RkF0
31. Dr. Stephanie Seneff – https://youtu.be/K5BF0x354BI
32. Dr. Paul Thomas – http://vaccineimpact.com/2015/dr-paul-thomas-m-d-preserve-medical-freedom-vaccines-linked-to-autism/
33. Many doctors talking at once – https://youtu.be/l1K74Tnrrok
34. Dr. Richard Moskowitz – http://vaccineimpact.com/2015/richard-moskowitz-m-d-the-case-against-immunizations/
35. Dr. Jane Orient – https://vaccineworldsummit.com/summit-experts/
36. Dr. Richard Deth – https://youtu.be/Au4H24JwdUs
37. Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic – https://youtu.be/9Uu3iWA1UWw
38. Dr. Chris Shaw – http://www.ageofautism.com/2012/03/the-aluminum-threat-a-interview-with-chris-shaw.html
39. Dr. Susan McCreadie – http://vaccineimpact.com/2015/susan-mccreadie-md-i-rest-easier-not-vaccinating-my-children/
40. Dr. Mary Ann Block – https://youtu.be/t_GxTi3gTvE
41. Dr. David Brownstein – http://blog.drbrownstein.com/genocide-against-our-children-continues-media-says-nothing-cdc-lies-part-ii/
42. Dr. Jayne Donegan – http://www.collective-evolution.com/2015/03/15/the-doctor-who-beat-the-british-general-medical-council-by-proving-that-vaccines-arent-necessary-to-achieve-health/
43. Dr. Troy Ross – https://paradoxhealth.wordpress.com/2015/04/02/safe-and-effective/
44. Dr. Philip Incao – http://philipincao.crestonecolorado.com/
45. Dr. Joseph Mercola – https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/04/26/vaccines-adverse-reaction.aspx
46. Dr. Jeff Bradstreet – https://youtu.be/NtRxBC3MUow
47. Dr. Robert Mendelson – http://www.whale.to/vaccines/mendelsohn.html
48. Dr. Edward Group https://youtu.be/7-doIO59Gx8
49. Dr. John Bergman https://youtu.be/zncuOv9VBxw
50. Dr. Rachel Ross https://youtu.be/zhrzINod4z0