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Man Bites Genetically Modified Animal

The Genetically Modified Animal is a Plot to Sicken Americans. Scientists in the Know say Tampering With Genes of Food is a “no-no” but the FDA says Okay!

Conducting experiments to create a genetically modified animal is the goal of the University of Illinois.

The study is called the Pig Project, where scientists are learning ways in which they can modify the DNA of pigs in order to make them healthier and bigger.

This means that the profit from farming these scientifically altered animals would be much larger.

Some of these genetic experiments include introducing cow DNA into sows so they create more milk, along with a synthetic gene that would allow the sow’s piglets to digest the milk with ease.

One of the conditions set down for this project by the FDA was that the animals must be destroyed once the experiment was concluded, but instead, these animals were sold to slaughterhouses that then sold them to grocery stores.

Officials claimed that the animals that were sold did not carry the modified DNA, therefore presented no threat to public health; the government agreed.

The genetically modified animal is not the only place where bioengineering has entered into the diets of Americans; the fact is, GM soybeans and corn have become basics in a lot of the processed food that is sold in the United States.

Today, environmentalists and food safety advocates are expressing concern that the American public may soon see foods, such as eggs, milk, and meat follow along the same path as genetically modified crops.

The Food Frankenstein

Since the time that biogenetic engineering first took hold, we have begun to see it used in many areas of science, including in the production of food for human consumption.

Both universities, as well as biotechnology companies are currently conducting experiments that involve the mixing and matching of genes from a variety of organisms in order to produce animals that would never occur in nature.

Some examples include, salmon that can grow up to five times faster than those that have not been genetically modified, chickens that lay eggs that are low in cholesterol, and cows that carry disease-resistant genes.

With so much potential to altar the genetically modified animal, what is next on the agenda?

Could the next step be to modify animals so that those who consume them are also modified?

Tricking the Public

Even today, it is not well publicized that certain crops have been genetically modified, there is nothing to ensure that the meat that you eat from a genetically modified animals will carry a label.

Those who are promoting the modification of the public’s food really find no purpose in making sure that this food is labeled.

They understand that the masses will not be too anxious to become experiments themselves, through consuming this new type of food.

The people behind the attempt to genetically altar the food supply promote their efforts by telling the public that these experiments will help to end world hunger, but the fact is in the long term, it could actually do more damage to the environment and those who eat it, than good.

It will likely do little good to watch for labels that indicate genetically modified food; instead the problem needs to be stopped at its roots, with those who promote genetic engineering of animals.

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