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Many Believe Government Behind Swine Flu

Was the Government Behind Swine Flu?

The latest swine flu epidemic (aka H1N1) was a questionable event, to say the least.

From pretty obvious governmental over-reaction on the national, international, and even global scale was a pretty good indication that it was more than just a little outbreak of something unusual.

The deaths in Mexico are highly suspect and the handful of deaths in other parts of the world, including the U.S., have been the subject of inquiry by many.

Why all the attention on this new swine flu outbreak?

Largely because there are so many questions about the outbreak, the spread, the governmental reactions to it, and even with the origins of the flu itself.

These questions have given rise to many speculations about what the H1N1 virus was really all about.

Given recent events happening shortly before this flu outbreak and other events in the past decade or two, it becomes harder and harder to ignore so-called “conspiracy theories”.

First, a little background on the H1N1 strain itself, so that the general science is understood.

Scientists from countless laboratories have analyzed the virus and found several conclusive things.

The virus itself is actually a combination of three separate virus strains, each affecting a separate species: avian (bird) flu, swine (pig) flu, and human influenza (flu).

The types of virus for each species is from a different location on the planet.

One is of Asian origin, another is European, and the last is from the Americas.

Government Behind Swine Flu – History

The history of the swine flu stretches back many years. In the mid-1970s, a swine flu outbreak affected the United States.

The flu itself was, ultimately, inconsequential, causing only one death and only a few hundred cases of infection in total.

The government-mandated vaccines for it, however, killed 27 people and caused problems for hundreds more.

That strain was called H1N5 and it was later discovered that it was on file at the CIA’s laboratory in Fort Detrick.

That flu outbreak had begun in an Army training facility in the south and killed one soldier there.

Fast-forward to the 1980s and you see an international incident involving vaccines for polio being shipped to Africa and some European countries by Bayer.

These vaccines were tainted with the HIV/AIDS virus. A few years later, avian (bird) flu is found mixed into flu vaccines Baxter was shipping to Europe.

Government Behind Swine Flu – The Outbreak

Then the outbreak starts in Mexico City, Mexico in 2009. The flu spread quickly, infected hundreds, and killing over 25 people within a few days’ time.

The Mexican government declares a national emergency and begins moves to contain the virus, but largely fails to do so.

Soon, the first infections come to the U.S. At first, the cases are Mexican nationals visiting the U.S. and then Americans returning from visits to Mexico. Soon, it spreads from there, infecting hundreds. Then it spread to Europe and now Asia.

The Center for Disease Control declares it an emergency situation and a pandemic, but does not institute drastic measures and most Americans, while inundated with news reports aimed to scare them into panic, realize that the Swine Flu is affected few.

The World Health Organization, meanwhile, declares it an official pandemic, but does nothing more to control the situation other than monitor its progress and give advice to governments on how to handle its spread.

Government Behind Swine Flu – Questions

The origins of the virus are suspect, to say the least. All three strains of flu involved are known to be in the stockpiles of governments-ostensibly for vaccine development.

The mixture is generally accepted by scientists to be almost surely man-made as a hybrid. Finally, the outbreak was conveniently quick and probably targeted.

Next, the governmental reactions in the United States was cautionary and careful, mainly monitoring and fielding the idea of mandatory vaccination without making moves to actually carry them out.

Similar to the way software engineers release early versions of applications in “beta” format for testing.

It’s almost certain that government behind swine flu and probably manufactured it.

Some believe that this was a “beta test” of what an epidemic would look like and how it would be treated and accepted by Americans.

While some will have a hard time believing this, there’s too much evidence to just ignore it. Too many questions unanswered.

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