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Misrepresented History of the American Family Alters Our Views

The History of the American Family is Filled With Lies and Alters Our Views.

As long as humans have walked the Earth, family has been the most basic social group and is the basis for all others. 

Chances are your family are the ones you see the most and have the most in common with. 

You come from a shared background, have built experiences and hopefully trust together and understand each other’s dreams, fears and lives. 

The family is also how we learn social interactions that we use for the rest of our lives. 

Values are imparted by direct teaching or by simply watching and learning. 

An ideal of the history of the American family has been well documented in film, print and television. 

If you ask someone what the stereotypical American family should be chances are you are going to get a description that references “Leave it to Beaver”, white picket fences and other clichés. 

The American media and propaganda machine has convinced us all that this white washed, suburban, traditional family is what the history of the American family was and should be. 

However, these images are lies. They try to convince us of truth that is merely an ideal, not reality.

By holding on to this antiquated idea of what the American family should be, we set ourselves up for failure.

The truth is family was not this and the international banking elite wants it that way.

Role of Women’s Liberation

One of the greatest events to affect the stereotype we have of the history of the American family was the women’s liberation movement.

Women’s lib in the 60’s and 70’s encouraged women to get out of the house and into the workforce. 

Early activists like Gloria Steinem wrote for magazines like Esquire and MS encouraging women to throw off the “shackles” of the traditional family. 

These magazines, despite their very radical subject matter, were well funded and packed with advertising from mainstream corporate America. How could this be? 

Gloria Steinem, others like her, and the magazines themselves were funded by the CIA at the behest of the financial elite.

By encouraging women to enter the workforce the banking cabal was able to increase the tax base from which it feeds as well as disrupt the fabric of American life. 

Also, by having less parental supervision and involvement, children turn to government in the form of school, the media, and peers for validation and leadership. 


Another seminal event in the history of the American family has been the rise of consumerism in America.

Pushed by the media and others to buy and accumulate material possessions to be “happier” people must work more. 

The more you are at work the less you are with your family.

This tears at the fabric of the American family as they hunt for that pot of gold at the end of rainbow that will never be there. 

Elite Behind It all

The banking, media and political elite are not only behind the degeneration of the American family structure, they also propagate the myth that the American family should be this picture perfect, happy, shinning example of flawlessness. 

By setting the bar impossibly high the controlling elite know we will do almost anything to achieve those goals.

We will overwork, over spend, and over consume to get closer to that ideal. 

By imposing outside standards on our happiness as a person or family we set ourselves up for failure.

We will slip into unhappiness, divorce, drug and alcohol abuse, creating more of the same for our children. 

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