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Multinational Study on Globalization

The Multinational Study Shows Globalization Enslaves Countries to Big Business. The NWO Conducts a Silent Takeover of Economies Using Corporations for Control.

Multinational study is actually globalization, and it is being called the answer to the world’s economic crisis but really globalization is one of the causes of the economic collapse that many countries are facing.

Corporate spokesmen and politicians give lots of speeches about the positive impact that globalization has for the world economy and for underdeveloped nations, but what is the real benefit of globalization?

Are the benefits of international productions as comprehensive as these businesses like to claim? No, they’re not.

Multinational study on the impact of globalization on the economies of small or underdeveloped nations shows that over and over again corporate interests move into a country, make that country almost entirely dependent on the income and business generated by the corporation and then essentially hold the workers of that country hostage.

Once the company has gained economic control of the country corporate advisors to the government, make sure that the government doesn’t pass any laws that would be detrimental to the company such as fair labor laws that would require the company to pay workers decently or provide safe working conditions and health care.

With more companies outsourcing work to developing nations than ever before, human rights groups are launching massive international investigations to find out if workers in underdeveloped nations are being exploited by Western companies and how companies can be forced under international law to treat workers better.

The desire of corporations to find a low wage workforce in order to maximize profits isn’t new, but the abuses committed by some well known Western companies against workers making their products is practically unheard of in the 21st century.

Some Income Better than None

That’s the argument that is often presented by corporations when they are challenged about the ridiculously low wages that they pay workers in underdeveloped countries.

They often pay workers pennies on the dollar and consider that to be a generous wage.

The number one reason why companies outsource work is because they don’t want to have to pay European or American workers minimum wage or higher because paying high wages cuts into the profit margin.

So they argue that providing some income to people who would otherwise have no income is actually a public service and that their businesses should be venerated for generosity.

Are They Right?

No, corporations are wrong. Providing some income is not better than providing no income when that income is systematically taken back from the employees.

Employees are forced to work 12 hour shifts, sometimes longer, without getting overtime pay after eight hours which is essentially free labor for the company.

Multinational study that has been done shows that corporations routinely demand that workers stay in company provided dormitories on-site instead of living with family and then the company deducts charges for room and board from the employees’ wages.

Often these companies charge apartment market value for dormitory living where employees have cots, no privacy, shared bathrooms and no living or dining space. Meals are substandard and provided in a company cafeteria.

Multinational study shows that after charges for room and board are taken from a worker’s paycheck that worker might end up with only half of the wages they are supposed to receive, or less.

Wage Slavery is Slavery

Paying workers a pittance for breakbacking labor might be enough for international corporations to avoid being called slave owners but morally they are still culpable.

When workers are forced to live in company housing, eat in company cafeterias, and pay for the privilege or lose their jobs that is slavery.

When workers are forced to work in unsafe and unsanitary conditions for pennies on the dollar that is wage slavery.

Globalization was supposed to bring income and better lives to people around the globe.

But in actuality it has enslaved millions of poor people and left millions of American workers with no way to support themselves.

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