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Must Triumph Over Tyranny Now

We Must Triumph Over Tyranny Today and Free Ourselves From the Monster of Fascism That is Consuming the World! People Can Unite and Stand up to Elites Once & for All.

Americans must triumph over tyranny. The word tyranny comes from the Latin word tyrannus which means “illegitimate ruler.”

With most Americans believing they live in a democracy, awareness of contemporary tyranny has simply passed unnoticed.

The public is being taught how to think, how to recognize the fear and how to act upon this recognition and people are being suppressed and pushed into conclusions based on just pure media statements without any facts.

The public must triumph over tyranny by seeing things how they are and actually doing something to stop its growth.

The world is ruled by illegitimate rulers, the rulers that were not chosen by the people, so called ”elite” and their tyrannical rule is becoming more and more transparent.

The world must triumph over tyranny and become free of shackles placed upon its freedom of thinking and acting.

In 2005 US, Canada and Mexico officials made an arrangement that wasn’t regulated by the congress nor announced publicly to the people.

This arrangement was to merge the United States, Canada and Mexico into a union by erasing all borders. This union is known as The North American Union or in short the NAU.

Creation of the European Union was a head start with its follow up, the NAU formation.

In theory NAU is a free border, regional union similar to the European Union with one currency, the Amero.

It is all headed in the one direction and it is all premade with only one goal – the control of the masses.

Plan to Rule the World

The North American Union agreement will eventually bring the constitution of US to become obsolete.

With drastic changes such as this one would think that proper announcements will be made through the means of media such as television or newspapers, but the public is still not aware of that the people that are behind these arrangements are the actual people that control the media and press.

We must triumph over tyranny and the control of the mass media and become aware of the things that are about to happen in the future.

The North American Union has the same initial concept of the European Union. There is also the African Union and in the near future also the Asian Union will develop.

The same people stand behind all of them, the Elite rulers of the world.

When the appropriate time comes, the EU, the NAU, the Asian Union and the African Union will be merged in a final formation with a one world government.

Public will be controlled more than ever, and not only by the mass media.

We are Free People?

What is the tyranny but the control? We shouldn’t be slaves to the society and be guided by the false believes and artificially created events.

We must have a closer look at what is already going on right before us.

We got chips in our ID cards, chips in passports and are obligated to carry these around; every product we buy can be traced and monitored.

There’s no privacy. The Big Brother TV show is just one of the mediocrities of the modern world, proving that George Orwell was a man before his time when he wrote a dystopian novel ”1984”.

We are being monitored. We are being taught to accept it as normal and even ask for it. We must triumph over tyranny in order to gain real freedom.

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