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Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Recalls

The Truth About Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation and Drug Recalls.

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation has to recall many of their drug products. 

When it’s found a drug is creating more problems than it’s worth it must be recalled. 

And although having drugs recalled is common all over the world, Novartis seems to have had more than its share. 

Like all of the big pharmaceutical corporations, Novartis sells toxic drugs. 

The side effects that occur when these poisons enter our bodies create a wide variety of problems in areas that aren’t supposed to be addressed with the drug. 

For instance, if you take a drug to assist in ceasing to smoke, you may end up with a heart attack. 

It leads you to wonder what these drugs could be doing to other bodily functions with unstudied long-term effects. 

The doctors keep talking about whether the benefits of a drug ‘outweigh’ the risks. 

Does that mean if a drug kills seven people out of 100 that it’s a good risk? 

Does that mean if a drug masks some symptoms that’s good enough to risk your life? 

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation had to take their drug, Zelnorm, off the market, as it was causing deaths.

But the corporation managed somehow to keep supplying it to patients that were tagged as severe cases of irritable bowel syndrome.

How convenient to the drug company’s profits. And who would they deem “severe?”

Novartis isn’t the Only One

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation had to remove the product Vapor Patch from the shelves as it was unsafe.

Children were removing the patch, chewing on it, and having seizures.

Also there were some shipments of Fluvirin removed from the market.

This influenza vaccine had potency deviations. Novartis was developing a reputation. 

And then in 2007, Novartis’ Exjade was causing kidney failure and death in some users. The FDA recalled this product.

Later Novartis as well as Wyeth and Johnson & Johnson had some over-the-counter medicines for infants recalled when overdoses were occurring. A never-ending tale of fatalities from drugs. 

When drug makers can control the information that comes from their own drug trials and tests it becomes more real to those gleaning this data that drug companies will gloss over the negative and enhance the positive in their marketing.

You can ask any drug sales rep who finally saw the light and left that trade of death. 

With these tests controlled and the negative effects downplayed or blatantly covered up, doctors and hospitals believe they are being told the truth.

They think these drugs are some kind of cure for their patients.

It’s their chance to get out from under their sheer helplessness in dealing with problems with unknown cures. 

Liars, Bandits, and Thieves 

Doctors aren’t trained in nutrition. They can only rely on what the Novartis drug makers or other drug manufacturers tell them.

They hope these drug makers are right. But when they see patients return with far worse problems, or see their patients die from ailments caused by the drug, they have to stop and think. 

When Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, or any other of the big pharma, can take your money, tell you this is the answer to your ailments, yet deliver something far below anything of a healing nature, you can call these “drug pushers” liars and thieves.

You can know that drugs aren’t the answer.

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