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NSA Headquarters Has Always Been Corrupt

NSA Headquarters is the Nest of a Totalitarian State Using Technology Against its Own Citizens.

NSA headquarters is the location of some of the most corrupt people in the history of the American government.

This is because even though this organization and its predecessors were created to monitor communications outside of the United States, it has almost never been used in this intended form.

This corruption began during World War One, when censorship was at an all time high.

The NSA would intercept telegrams that were being sent all over the country and overseas straight from telegram companies like Western Union in order to spy on the American population.

As time went on, this surveillance increased considerably, as telecommunications companies had secret deals set up with the NSA where they would provide government agents with all of the information that they required.

There were already super computers at the NSA headquarters, which allowed them to quickly go through this data and mine anything that they deemed necessary.

This eventually led to the NSA being labelled as a criminal organization and some higher agents were almost charged.

Rather than having all of this secret information come out, however, the United States Signal Intelligence Directive was created in order to protect American citizens from this sort of surveillance.

This was a time when Americans had no privacy whatsoever and it is possible to see how this could happen again in the near future.

If we are not careful, we could see the NSA regain this power over society.

Under the Guise of Anti-Terrorism

As time moved on, the NSA cleaned up its act considerably and by all accounts, they followed the rules that were set forth by this directive.

That all changed, however, after the 9/11 terrorist attacks and NSA headquarters has once again become a place where Americans are spied on.

All of a sudden, all of the technology that is found there is being used to spy on Americans.

These super computers are able to create patterns through the actions of the people that they are watching and then decide if those patterns make a certain individual a national security threat.

For example, if you are all of a sudden using your credit card to make purchases at a store that is known to have some sort of connection to individuals who might have ties to terrorist organizations, the computer will pick up on this and will alert someone at NSA headquarters.

It does not matter if there is any reason to investigate you or not, as these computers were created in order to notice these small patterns.

In addition, certain words that you use frequently in telephone conversations or text messages can be decoded into other words.

This can make you a suspect if the computer decides that you might be up to something.

Your Personal Information on Trial

The worst part about this process is that people can find out about your personal secrets, even if they have nothing to do with national security and these secrets can be brought out and ruin a person’s life.

If there is any reason to believe that you are a national security risk, you can be prosecuted and warrantless wiretaps can be used against you.

Also, since the NSA will have an unlimited amount of information on you, there will nearly always be something that they can come up with that you do not want getting out.

Even if you are not involved in anything illegal, you might be doing something that you did not want your family to know about.

If this situation goes to trial, your family will find out about everything.

Absolutely everything that a person does is now being collected and there is no telling how this information will be used in the future.

The government knows everything about you and they are now basically free to do whatever they want with this information, giving the government more control over the population than ever before.

2 Comments on - NSA Headquarters Has Always Been Corrupt

  • Bon May 21, 2021 Reply

    I am off grid using solar power . I have to monitor by energy budget. The other day while I was out I found indications that a laptop had been turned on remotely for short period. This has happened before. The charging light went on when it should not have

  • Bon May 21, 2021 Reply

    I am off grid using solar power . I have to monitor by energy budget. The other day while I was out I found indications that a laptop had been turned on remotely for short period. This has happened before. The charging light went on when it should not have
    In addition I am suspicious of this site as well

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