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NWO Mind Control in Public Schools Today

Beware of Mind Control in Public Schools Today. Elite Educational Planners Have Carefully Hidden Subversive NWO Indoctrination Inside Our School Curriculum.

Is there mind control in public schools? Yes, there is. But the condition of our public is far worse than that.

Our young people are undergoing indoctrination at the hands of elitists who have gained such power that they control what our children are “allowed” to learn.

They’re being conditioned to accept a police presence in their society, ID cards for identification (think Nazi Germany), and thumb printing for the privilege to eat.

They’re being given incentives to report so-called “suspicious” activity.

Part of the plan to have kids report suspicious activity includes even reporting their own parents!

They’re being led on drills where they’re herded onto buses.

Sometimes they’re herded along with loaded automatic weapons aimed at their heads. Is there mind control in public schools? Wow! We sure think so.

New World Order

If you haven’t educated yourself on America’s police state yet, you need to.

Understand that our government is imposing militarism onto our former Republic ideals and they see our youth as “material” that can be molded into obedience.

“Parents give up their rights when they drop the children off at public school.”

– Texas Federal District Judge Melinda Harmon.

Mind control in public schools occurs as the New World Order plan of the criminal cabal of bankers and industrialists is carried out. In the words of one such “elite,” Nick Rockefeller,

“… the end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world.”

See Aaron Russo interview with Alex Jones for more on Rockefeller’s words.

“To achieve World Government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.”

 – G. Brock Chisholm.

Dumbing Down & Socialism

Basically, America’s children are being “dumbed-down” to the point where many can’t read, don’t know America’s history or essence, and are accepting of ideas such as human implantation of RFID chips and global positioning systems for humans as ‘cool’.

They’ll be easy fodder when they’re sent to prison camps or induced to report on their “patriotic” parents, who in turn are picked up on New World Order railroad cars.

In “How Public School Socialists Brainwash Children & Destroy America”, Joel Turtel discusses mind control in public schools.

“Simply teaching children to read, write, and do math was too commonplace a goal for them.

“Mann and Dewey wanted the schools to have total control over children’s lives.

“This meant removing parents’ influence over their children. Mann put it this way.

“We who are engaged in the sacred cause of education are entitled to look upon all parents as having given hostages to our cause.

“Dewey had a socialist utopian vision for America and he wanted the common schools to achieve his vision.

“To create a government-dominated socialist America, public schools had to mold generations of children into the habit of obedience.

“Schools took on the role of social agencies, with nurses, social centers, playgrounds, school showers, kindergartens, and “Americanization” programs for immigrants.

“Public schools became a major agency for social control.”

More Militarism

For more on the militarized take-over of schools, watch the following video.

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