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Obama and the Chicago Schools

Believing Obama and the Chicago Schools Make a Brighter Future Allows the Elite to Brainwash You Into Believing we Live in a True Democracy.

The elite would like for you to believe there is a link between the strength of Obama and the Chicago schools he represented.

One of the ways in which the media has resonated this idea is to report on his comment about the Chicago schools never closing.

They would like for you to believe the president is incredulous that the Washington schools are not strong enough to stay open.

The idea is to get you to believe that Obama is a champion of the school system so you will want to support him even more.

They would like to perpetuate this myth even further by the fact that he has brought on a member of the Chicago school system as part of his administration.

The elite have invested millions into every presidential election in order to maintain control over the president that gets elected.

They have used their control over the mainstream media in order to make sure the candidate they are backing gets elected.

Problems most candidates face are either presented to crush or build up them as the elite see fit.

The idea of Obama being of foreign birth was just one more way the elite saw they could assure his spot as president.

They have been pushing the right wing media to portray Obama as the chosen one for quite some time.

They have done this as a way to attack the Obama campaign.

The idea was always to make the right wing seem like a bunch of sacrilegious individuals willing to say anything to make Obama look bad.

When the news hit about his birth certificate having problems, the majority of people were already preconditioned not to believe anything that was reported negative about him.

In this way, the elite were quickly able to clear up any problems that appeared to exist regarding Obama’s birth certificate.

They had the Chicago Tribune run an article that showed his birth certificate and how he was truly of natural birth in order to dispel any fears.

Strength in Change

The reporting of the quote about Obama and the Chicago schools was supposed to remind the black community that they had someone in the oval office that represented their community.

They wanted to remind them that Obama supported public schools since that is where his daughters went.

They would like you to believe there will be initiatives on the horizon that will change the public school system in America and that they will offer better educations to all.

The truth is there will be on change in education, like there will be no change in many other aspects.

No Change to Come

The strength Obama and the Chicago schools may have is not in the change they are about to make, the strength they have is in perseverance.

The only reason Obama is in power is to make citizens feel they are living in a country that supports equality.

The elite want to make sure the black community no longer feels like it is being oppressed and that they are strong.

They believe that if there is a black president in office passing the bills, the black community will accept the new measures of control as change that is good.

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