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Obama Bilderberger CFR Trilateral

The Obama Bilderberger CFR Trilateral Connection and How it Affects the U.S.

If you have not yet heard anything on the Obama Bilderberger CFR Trilateral connection then you’re about to discover some information that might shock you.

Most of us don’t pay much attention to the cabinet appointments made by presidents because most of these people work behind the scenes, out of the media spotlight until something goes wrong.

However, it may be time to start doing more research on these individuals and how they qualified for their high ranking positions.

Take a look inside President Obama’s cabinet and you’ll find a who’s who list of members in some of the most devious backroom societies in the United States.

These societies are known as the Bilderbergs, the CFR (Council for Foreign Relations), and the Trilateral Commission.

These groups are not open to you or I nor are they open to the media, except to the highly influential members of the media who have been accepted into their midst so they can control the information presented from these groups.

The Obama Connection

What does Obama have to do with all of this? Why are we talking about this Obama Bilderberger CFR Trilateral Commission connection?

When we look at the members of his cabinet, you’ll understand why.

First, you need to understand what is so dangerous about seeking this New World Order.

The New World Order seeks to change the world by creating a single country made up of the entire world.

Under this plan, the economy, religion, and government of the One would be spread through all of the countries, erasing any opposition along the way.

When this occurs, the world will fall into totalitarianism.

One leader will control everything and no room on the planet will be reserved for those who do not fall in line with that master plan.

Manipulation of the media will continue until everyone left is either on the same page or is smart enough to hide their dissent.

Stacking the Deck

As mentioned above, President Obama’s current cabinet is full of members of one or more of these organizations.

While the presence of some members should not be surprising given that the members are among the Washington Elite, the sheer quantity of members he has added and his failure to address their connection to these well-known NWO groups is good reason for suspicion.

At the start of 2009, Obama added Hillary Clinton to his cabinet as Secretary of State.

Clinton, and her husband, are both well-known members of the secret Bilderberg Group and some claim that group was responsible for getting her husband elected as president.

Other notable appointees included Robert Gates and Janet Napolitano who are both active members of the CFR.

Other members with connections to these three groups include Susan Rice, James Jones, Robert Gates. Paul Volcker, Lawrence Summers, Timothy Geithner, and Bill Richardson. Nearly half of his cabinet is made up of members of these secret-agenda groups.

Clearly, there is an Obama Bilderberger CFR Trilateral Commission Connection.

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