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Obama Stimulus Package Really Socialism

Is the Obama Stimulus Package Really Socialism in Disguise Even Though the Economic Crisis Was Manufactured by the Banking Elite to Line Their Pockets?

Is the Obama stimulus package really socialism in disguise?

We are told that America is a free country where anyone can do anything they want provided they don’t hurt someone else.

But many of these freedoms either never existed or are disappearing.

One of the most important things about this country is the free market which means that anyone can open their own business.

In America almost all of the corporations are privately owned and this means they are able to react to market changes.

Economists tell us that a free market is the best way to distribute all of the limited resources so that they get used most efficiently.

In the past there were a number of industries, especially the utilities, which were national businesses.

The government went through the process of privatizing national industries to improve competition.

Some industries were kept public and the main reason for this was claimed to be that these industries were natural monopolies.

The elite are using the current economic crisis to encourage us and make us see exactly why we need to allow them to take over many private businesses.

As some people have argued, the Obama stimulus package really socialism in disguise.

These bailouts are creating market socialism and getting rid of many small businesses across the country.

Obama isn’t the person that’s in control of the country, he is actually just a puppet.

His puppet masters are the powerful elite who have more than enough money to manipulate the whole world and get whatever they want.

The stimulus package is apparently saving thousands of jobs all around the country but is there more to it than that?

Real Reason for Stimulus Package

The government has justified the stimulus package and bailout plans by saying that it will help secure numerous jobs throughout the country.

Many firms are suffering from the current financial crisis which is causing trouble for everyone.

This financial crisis didn’t just happen by chance, it was actually completely planned by the elite themselves.

The elite are the rich banking families such as the Rockefellers and the Rothschild’s.

Why Have the Stimulus Package?

The elite have always dreamed of creating a New World Order with a single government.

Almost every single important event has been carefully crafted by the elite to get what they want.

Is the Obama stimulus package really socialism? If so, this means it could quite easily be used by the elite to change the market to fascism or communism if they wanted.

This proves that for the question, Is the Obama stimulus package really socialism?

The answer is yes, or worse.  And that’s proving to be a real problem.

Obama was chosen to rule the country for a reason and that’s because he will do whatever the elite want him to.

Violating Our Freedoms

The elite have been getting rid of our rights and violating our freedoms for years.

They want to turn the country into a dictatorship and a police state. Is the Obama stimulus package really socialism and a scenario to rid the nation of capitalism? Looks like it.

The elite are becoming more powerful by snapping up all sorts of industries.

They now not only control the banking system but they also control all of the media which means they can use it as propaganda to do anything they want.

When the elite want to force more bailouts on us then they will use the media to demonstrate how many jobs it will save and why it’s so important.

It’s all part of the brainwashing for their New World Order.

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