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Ohio Supreme Court Justice

The Ohio Supreme Court Justice System is a Staging Ground for Democratic Control. Single Party Power is a Threat to Fairness in American Government and to Freedom in U.S.

The Ohio Supreme Court justice has come under question recently due to the increased demands that Barack Obama proves his eligibility to be president of the United States. Some believe he simply does not qualify.

Many feel Obama was not properly vetted as a potential presidential candidate.

This issue has arisen in many state Supreme Courts in an effort to support the Constitution by requiring the current President to prove his eligibility by providing documentation proving he was born within the United States.

This issue is being heavily covered by the Democratic Party, only leading to greater suspicion behind the truth of this request.

Citizens are signing petitions. As well, they are contacting their local representatives and speaking out publicly… only to be turned down by the courts, lead off of the streets and in the military; receiving disciplinary action.

Every day, Obama my be using power that he is not entitled to in order to achieve personal ambitions, pass Democratically approved legislature and spend tax payers money to resolve an economic crisis.

The Democrats are fighting these requests in any way possible because with the removal of Barack Obama, the Democrats would relinquish control of the Executive branch, only to maintain power in the Legislative branch.

The Ohio Supreme Court justice is only one of the stages where the issue on Obama is being covered up in favor of political ties.

Ohio Justice Questioned

There have been a number of cases that are being presented to the Ohio Justice System that are facing immediate rejection and threats to the American public.

One such case existed when citizen David M. Neal sued the Ohio Secretary of State in order to force her to request documentation from the Federal Elections Commission, the Ohio Democratic Party, the Democratic National Committee, and from Obama himself to prove he was born in Hawaii.

What would seem like a reasonable request, this citizen had to actually sue his elected representative to achieve this documentation in which he was ultimately rejected by the court.

In a similar case, Greenberg v. Brunner, the same request was made to provide documentation proving the legitimacy of Barack Obama’s right to be elected as President and the case was tossed twice.

Not only was the case tossed but the judge threatened to assess all the case costs against the plaintiff if the matter was further pursued.

The Ohio Supreme Court justice is only one of the state institutions that is being flooded by court requests for President Obama to prove his eligibility to be President of the United States.

Obama Asserting Control Over Government

There is a growing threat to national security and it is represented by the current disregard for documented proof that Obama was born in the United States and therefore eligible to be President.

This shut down of American outcries through the judicial system demonstrates the power the government has achieved over the citizens of the United States.

The Democratic Party currently has control over the Executive and Legislative branches of the government.

With the possible release of five of the seats on the United States Supreme Court, the Democratic Party has the opportunity to place justices with Democratic influences, granting them power over the final branch of government.

This single party power is a grave threat to the American people and the Constitution because it destroys the concepts of checks and balances established by the founding fathers.

As long as justice institutions such as the Ohio Supreme Court justice continues to reject court decisions about Constitutional matters, the Democrats will achieve control over the judicial branch before the case reaches the U.S. Supreme Court.

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