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Overpopulation Control Used by Elite

Practicing Overpopulation Control Has Proven to Have Disastrous Effects on Countries. Eugenics is Racism in Disguise.

The elite would have you believe the only way in which you can save the world is to get every country to practice some sort of overpopulation control.

They have been working for years under the pseudoscience of eugenics in order to create a New World Order.

They believe that not only should there be fewer people in the world, but there also needs to be less diversity.

They have worked on many different plans in order to keep breeding by people they find less desirable at a minimum.

In Africa they have shipped millions of contraceptives and forced women to have IUDs inserted into them.

The lies they have spread to Africa are meant to control the population of the world and also to control the spread of the AIDS virus.

Funny how the same measures are not implemented throughout Europe where there is a higher population density.

Domestically there is an effort to control breeding thanks to the efforts of the Planned Parenthood Organization.

Started by Margaret Sangor and funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, the organization has deep roots in the eugenics community.

To date Planned Parenthood has targeted pregnant black women to come in for abortions as the elite see this as a way to not only control the breeding of blacks, but also the poor.

Planned Parenthood has always made sure to locate their centers in poorer communities so that they target more minorities and poor people.

The elite have always enjoyed war as the best way to get rid of undesirables no matter which countries are at war.

The first line of any army always tends to be the poorest people from that civilization and they are always the first to die.

When the elite can pit one country full of undesirables against another than they are enjoying what they consider the best overpopulation control.

In order to see countries wipe each other out the elite have been willing to supply arms and funds to get campaigns off of the ground.

Turn Around is Fair Play

There have been accounts where countries have stopped using overpopulation control techniques and have had dramatic results because of it.

Malaysia decided to stop such controls in 1984 and enjoyed huge economic growth thanks to free market reforms.

At the same time they enjoyed growth, other countries in the region that continued to use controls saw their economies continue to wane.

They complained to the conference on population control about these effects.

Strength in Numbers

The arguments against overpopulation control seem to outnumber the arguments for it.

All arguments that have been used in order to convince people of the necessity of such controls have either been proven not to be true, or outright lies.

There have been claims of all sorts of problems that can result from overpopulating the earth, but all have been debunked.

Ideas such as overpopulation creating famine, war, disease, global warming, deforestation, economic crisis, and so on.

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