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Debt to Success System - Page 129 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

A Better Guide for Single Parent Families.  Perhaps there is no one guide for single parent homes to follow as each family is different and each family has its own way of doing things.  Children in single-parent homes in the U.S. are at a greater disadvantage in math and science than children in single-parent homes

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Global Positioning Systems Technology Began in 1960.  Global Positioning Systems Technology got its start in 1960 when the US Navy tested the first satellite navigation system.  The system named, Transit used five satellites to fix upon a locations in an hour.  This advanced technology today employs satellites and gps systems everywhere and the location is

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GPS Controlled Guidance Allows the Government to Track Americans’ Movements. Although GPS Technology is Convenient, Its Practical Purpose is to Monitor Citizens. The banking mafia is using GPS controlled guidance systems. The global elite, or banking mafia as they are commonly known, use GPS technology to track American citizens in an effort to control individuals’

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Global Positioning Solutions Make it Easy for the U.S. Government to Spy on U.S. Citizens and Deconstruct Our Constitutional Right to Privacy & Limited Govt. Global positioning solutions create an environment of invasive tracking of each individual. Our U.S. government and businesses have for years concentrated on becoming experts in conducting spy activities against foreign

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Global Positioning System Maps Indoctrinate for Control. People Become Accustomed to Being Watched in Their Daily Lives and Accept Police State Rule Willingly. Without much ado, the government can create global positioning system maps that show the whereabouts, past and present, of any person living in the United States. This technology further enables global elites

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A Big Brother Via Global Positioning System Overview. The satellite system known as NAVSTAR provides the framework for everyone in the world to be tracked. NAVSTAR is a system of about 30 satellites that provide the locating abilities for the entire world. While many enjoy the gadgets that GPS systems enable us to have, it

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