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Debt to Success System - Page 232 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

Biometric Applications Trade Freedom for a False Sense of Security. The United States government has become quite enamored with the thought of biometric applications especially with the security concerns that have dominated the national scene since the terrorist attacks of September 11. Bush made the sharing and application of biometric technology across agencies a priority

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Biometric Application Lets the Government Identify You. Police State Rule is a Mindset, Wherein People Surrender Their Basic Rights and Freedoms to Feel Safe and Secure.  A biometric application is an automated method to recognize an individual through a behavioral or physiological characteristic such as a fingerprint or a voice pattern. Other types of biometrics

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Biometric Airport Security Operational at Some and Tested at Many Airports Worldwide. Biometric airport security is no longer and idea it is a reality. From RFID ID passports, driver’s license and national ID cards to thumb and palm prints and even full body scans the use of biometric technology has exploded. Airport security was biting

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Biometric Access Control Allows ‘Big Brother’ to Watch you Wherever you go! Biometric access control has been in existence for less than 30 years providing various approaches to security and access control, from fingerprinting, facial recognition, retinal identifiers, and even electrical discharge for an individual. The initial major thrust into security systems was with fingerprint

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Biological Warfare and the United Nations are Part of a Depopulation Plan. If you were a member of the global elite and you wanted to wipe out large swaths of people that you considered undesirable or not fit to live how would you go about getting rid of them? Large scales use of weapons or

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Biography of Hugo Chavez: Chavez Writing a New History of Relations Based on Respect for Sovereignty. On July 28, 1954, Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias was born in Sabaneta, in the western state of Barinas Venezuela. According to the biography of Hugo Chavez, he was born the son of two school teachers, living in poverty. From

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