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Debt to Success System - Page 331 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

Why is Trump's Secretary of Education's Family Big Donors of Bethany Christian Services, an Organization with Ties to Human Trafficking?

I knew it. I knew when the media started their frenzy over immigrant children being separated from their parents at the border, it was to draw a certain response from the public. Classic Problem-Reaction-Solution at play.  The public cried out for the Trump administration to “do something” about all these kids being separated supposedly from

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Are You Tired of Being Conned Yet?

Feeling tired on a regular basis is extremely common. In fact, about one-third of healthy teens, adults, and older individuals report feeling sleepy or fatigued ( 1, 2, 3 ). Unbeknownst to most Americans who still think they live in a free country they have been conned since the moment of their birth. From cradle to

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If You Don't Know what the Hegelian Dialectic is, It is Time You Learn!

It doesn’t take long to figure out once you’ve started a journey for truth to learn that we have been deeply indoctrinated in the public education system and manipulated by hidden societal engineering by global elites. Usually done under the guise of philanthropy and social justice.  Americans are being steered into total destruction because too

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NBC News Report From 2005: Government Tested AIDS Drugs on Foster Kids, 13 Years Later Nothing Has Changed, Only Gotten Worse

Every once in awhile the tightly controlled corporate news media outlets do slip out the truth.  It’s not always given much attention.  Sometimes it’s just online and they don’t report it on the nightly news, but they do slip out some truths from time to time.  I think it’s to throw us a bone and

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Fascistbook at It Again: Algorithm Flags the Declaration of Independence as “Hate Speech”

Over the last couple of years major social media, news and video platforms have been actively engaged in the censorship of what they believe to be fake news and information. Often spearheaded by third-party review organizations known to have biassed views, there have been countless examples of unpopular speech and commentary that has seen its distribution suppressed or outright

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Who or what is the Biggest Threat We face? It's NOT who You Think!

Is it the Zionists?  The Jesuits?  The banking cartel?  The “Deep State”? The “New World Order?” The “Illuminati”? While most of those groups are the “hidden hand” orchestrating things from behind the scenes they still aren’t the biggest threat we face.  Why is that?  Well, let’s think about that for a minute and dissect the layers

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