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Political Corruption Throughout the World

There is Political Corruption Throughout the World.

Political corruption throughout the world is manifest in corporate interest and is the most prevalent means to attain power and wealth, utilizing government and law as its partners in crime. 

The current economic crisis effecting the world today is a direct result of corporate power using deceit, manipulation, false media generated perceptions, cover-ups, legal corporate veil tactics, corrupt business practice, and governmentally instituted law to perform their activities. 

Private corporate interests have dominated the legal structure of governments throughout the world, and money is generated through those governmental systems that are funneled back into the corporations unbeknownst to the general mass populations. 

One good example of corporate interest manifesting political corruption throughout the world is the government bailout of some of the richest financial institutions, assessing the bill for recovery of those funds to the taxpayers. 

JPMorgan Chase & Co. is reported to be one of the oldest financial services companies in the world with assets totaling $2.3 trillion and the largest market capitalization and deposit base of any banking institution in the United States; however, they were one of the companies to be reported as needing corporate bailout funds provided by the Federal Reserve System. 

In addition, JPMorgan Chase serves many of the most prominent corporate, institutional, and governmental entities throughout the world, as well as having the largest private investment fund unit in the United States, claiming $34 billion in assets at the end of 2007. 

It seems the only way JPMorgan Chase could have lost so many of its assets in such a short period of time would be if much of its stock was owned by individuals who suddenly demanded payment from the company for that stock, therefore creating a cash flow problem and reflecting a loss for the company. 

Or, in the alternative, if the company invested great amounts of capital into a new venture or ventures that have not yet begun to produce or reflect the speculated profit level, therefore creating a loss on the books that would indicate the company was in financial trouble and needed help.

Corporate Fraud

Regardless, it seems logical and reasonable that neither situation would be a justification to assess the deficit to the taxpayers of the country using the Federal Reserve System and the U.S. Treasury as the means to that end. 

The JPMorgan Chase situation is nothing more than a corporate maneuver to a hostile takeover of the assets of other financial institutions to increase their assets and net worth, using the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as their middle man in the transaction, leaving the debt as the responsibility of the American taxpayer. 

Washington Mutual Bank, a savings bank holding company, was seized by the U.S. Office of Thrift Supervision and placed in receivership of the FDIC because of $16.4 billion in deposits being withdrawn over a 10 day period, the FDIC in return selling the assets to JPMorgan Chase while keeping the debt. 

Washington Mutual Bank’s mother company, Washington Mutual, Inc., indicated the holding company held assets valued at $327.9 billion at the end of 2007, so how could the withdrawal of $16.4 billion have caused it to become defunct justifying the seizure by the Office of Thrift Supervision? 

Again, why is it just, right, or fair for the Federal Reserve System to assess the debt to the American taxpayer, especially since the company didn’t even appear to be in financial trouble prior to the seizure? 

Political Corruption Throughout the World

This appears outwardly to be nothing more than a corporate money laundering scheme perpetrated through agencies that represent the federal government and ultimately are responsible for managing the money for the people of this country. 

Since it is being claimed that the crisis that began in America has caused a ripple effect throughout the remainder of the world, one can only assume that the corruption involved in these financial institutions and transactions are being perpetrated throughout all other world governments as well, making it a global corruption conspiracy. 

It is apparent that political corruption throughout the world is interconnected and stems from the corporate entity and the common business practice of utilizing government to justify and create the public perception of need where there is only a desire to place more burden on the mass populations of these countries in order to lord power over them.

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