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Purchasing Power, Money, and Price Relationship

Purchasing Power, Money, and Price in America. Understand How the Elite Manipulate the System to Make Money From Nothing as They Accumulate Real Assets.

Understand that the elite know fully the concept of purchasing power, money, and price. 

Those that are currently stealing your wealth and labor through your debt, taxes, and foreclosures know exactly what they’re doing. 

As the average American toils at work, drives for three to four hours to and from work, and watches the nightly propaganda on the tele-screen, the wealthy banker or attorney is busy protecting himself from the devalued dollar. 

The following passage is a short example into what’s really going on behind the scenes in America. 

This excerpt comes from The Legalized Crime of Banking and a Constitutional Remedy (1958), by Silas Walter Adams, and follows his explanation of a rich oil man getting a $650,000 loan from his banker.

More Dollars Devalue the Dollars

“… But that is not the end of the long criminal trail the banker opened up.

“Loans were not made with the bank’s surplus, or undivided profits, or stock holders’ funds.

“Nor was a single dollar of the depositors loaned.

“The $650,000 was actually created and added to the banker’s total deposits, to go out and compete with every depositor’s dollar, lowering every dollar’s purchasing power.

“If there were $6,500,000 on deposit in the bank it reduces the purchasing power 10 percent.

“Dollars are like spuds. the more there are, the less they are worth.

“And all the 14,567 banks are making loans, so the ratio for the country as a whole is approximately the same.”

Wealthy Hoard the Land

“But the trail of crime does not end there. The sellers of the hotel buy ranches, farms, other real estate.

“All know we have too much money, that it’s getting cheaper every day.

“They’re seeking safe investment. Land always offers the safest of all. Knowing the money is cheap.

“Knowing another 1929 to 1935 is certain, only the finale will be different.

“Probably multiplied billions of bank deposits, including theirs, will be wiped out.

“The farmer sells. Finds he can’t buy as good a farm for twice the price.

“He joins the house-less howling mobs in towns and cities, worrying as high prices eat away his life’s savings.”

Producers are the Slaves

“But that’s not the end of this cruel, selfish crime trail. Those hotel owners are not the sort who will till the soil, feed the stock.

“They remain in town, hire men (usually) to build good fences, padlock the gate and flee to the hills that their rotten hides may be cooled.

“While the poor man who would till the soil and slop the hogs can not buy the high-priced land, and ever hope to pay for it, and feed his family.

“Cheap, inflated money robs farmers of their farms, the producers of their goods, the workers of their food and clothing, the aged of their pensions, crying babes of their bottle of milk.

“But bankers, gamblers and dealers in the miseries of men, take the land, corner the products of labor, and weld about the ankles of the toiling sweating, producing masses, of even the babies shackles of bondage for another 100 years.”

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