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Real Homeopathic Remedy for Swine Flu?

There is a Homeopathic Remedy for Swine Flu!

Wondering about a homeopathic remedy for swine flu, now that the media has you scared out of your wits?

Not to fear, there may be no need to rush down to your local pharmacy to poison yourself with Tamiflu.

Instead, why not try some home medication and a bit of common sense?

If you come down with a sore throat, headache, sniffles, etc. don’t panic: number 1, swine flu is a very weak flu and number 2, call in sick from work (especially if you work for a large drug company who is making tons of money without you there anyway).

Next, find this article on Critical Alert: The Swine Flu Pandemic – Fact or Fiction?.

Down about the middle of the page there are some great tips for treating the flu at home titled “How to Protect Yourself Without Dangerous Drugs and Vaccinations”.

Now, while you are convalescing, take the time to read the rest of the article that has all kinds of fun facts on how what you may think you are experiencing may not even exist.

If your energy level is still high after that, you may also want to Google “homeopathic remedy for swine flu” as there are about 2.5 million hits on that topic.

If there is no Cure then what is all the Fuss?

A homeopathic remedy for swine flu is easy to find at your local Whole Foods Market.

Although some of these remedies may not cure you, at least you won’t get a life threatening illness from taking a dangerous commercial drug like Tamiflu.

In fact, the best things you can do for swine flu are the same things that folks have been doing for thousands of years now in regards to colds and other bacterial infections: taking doses of manuka honey or tea tree oil is an age old and proven remedy for most ailments of this nature.

Any natural herb that reinforces immune systems like Echinacea (used by native Americans forever and long before the formation of the North American Union) is helpful as well. 

Then, of course, there are the natural dopamine enhancers as you may be feeling a bit stressed out after news report after news report on the swine flew pandemic sweeping the globe.

A safe and common stress-relieving dopamine is Saint John’s Wart Root that comes in capsules or in liquid form. 

All of these home remedies for the swine flu and any other flu for that matter can be found easily at any health food store in your area. 

Consider the Alternatives…

Considering the alternative to a homeopathic remedy for swine flu (Tamiflu) there are certain facts that you need to know about this widely touted cure-all.

First, Tamiflu will not cure the flu; it is just a remedy to relive symptoms of the flu.

Second, Tamiflu will introduce those symptoms if you don’t have them already.

Third, one treatment of Tamiflu is going to cost you around $90 or more for just 10 capsules.

You will need two bottles of Saint John’s Wart Root just to reduce the stress that this expense is sure to create.

Lastly, consider dying as many already have from Tamiflu complications.

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