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Religion and the Founding Fathers

Religion and the Founding Fathers… the Questions Continue on. Are Church and State Really Separate in the U.S.?

What part did religion play with the founding fathers? Christians have always taken pride in the fact that our country was formed around Christianity beliefs.

Take a moment and study the founding fathers and you will start to look at the Constitution in an entirely new light.

The Constitution holds no claim to the people being ruled by God.

What it does, however, is point out that the people rule. Did the founding fathers think about religion during the writing of the document?

Twenty-four out of all the men that signed the document were Christians, the rest were a wide variety of a mix of different religious beliefs.

How big of a part did the religion and the founding fathers play in the Constitution?

Trying to break free from a king that was ruled by God and acting out according, maybe being ruled by the people was enough to make the men that wrote the Constitution feel like they were breaking away from the king.

A more accurate description would be to say that the fathers built a nation on Deist beliefs.

Deists are the people that believe there is a God, they just realize that God is so busy that he doesn’t meddle in the affairs of others.

One of the Biggest Debates

One thing stands true when it comes to people and their religion.

That one thing is the fact that when they feel strongly about something, nothing will stand in their way when it comes to sharing with others the benefits that comes from following their views.

Religion and the founding fathers is still one of the biggest debates of our time.

People can’t accept that this country was not built upon the Christian concepts that so many are proud of.

In fact, the Constitution promises liberty and justice for all. Many believe this was Jefferson’s way to separate the religions.

Ahead of Time?

The debate rages whether God should be allowed in the classroom.

If morning prayer was brought back inside of the schools, it would be one giant slap in the face to the founding fathers.

These men set all of their religious differences aside in order to build a country where no one would be prosecuted for believing what they believe in.

Maybe the fathers were ahead of their time.

Did they know that by separating church and state that they would be saving million of endless debates over what exactly that means?

Can You Still Practice as You Like?

While we will never be sure what part religion and the founding fathers plays in today’s world, we do know that they kept it separate for a reason.

You can read into that whatever way you choose.

Some people will continue to see the United States as a place of great Christian-like values, while others will see it as a place that has no room for God.

The founding fathers seemed to find a happy medium, as they stated that there is a God but he is too busy to care about what we do as individuals.

The most pressing issue that revolves around religion is the allowance to practice whatever you want.

Up until now that right has never been questioned. After September 11th, this freedom has been slowly taken away.

Americans are willing to give up the same freedoms to feel safe again.

Maybe the government has found a way to twist the words and the intent of the founding fathers… by separating the church and state they hoped to end prejudice.

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