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Republican Health Care Reform the Same

The Republican Health Care Reform Just Aligns With the New World Order Plan, Too.

Republican health care reform isn’t much different from the Democrat’s. 

They all are just following the model put forth by the New World Order “elite”. 

These international bankers and multinationals conspire to bring us a one-world government. 

First socialistic, then fascist, this government will be managed by the wealthy. 

They’ll run the governments of the planet through banking institutions. 

They’ll monitor the people and control dissent by every person being tracked and numbered. 

Socialized medicine is another way for them to accomplish their goals. 

Lies have been spoken meant to sway us in favor of national health care. 

Either party would spew the same falsehoods. They are both controlled by the same people. 

What we must look at are the dangers of universal health care, as opposed to what party is saying what. 

We need to see the overall picture before acting. 

Lies put forth by President Obama attempt to convince us what he does is good.

He says we are going to increase medical services but cut the payments for hospitals and doctors.

This is mathematically impossible. Our only problem is the cost of health care.

This can be solved without ruining America with universal health care.

The Rights of Americans

Democrat or Republican health care reform is actually an issue of liberty.

We the people of the United States have many rights set forth in our Constitution.

You’ll notice the Constitution says nowhere that health care comes under the jurisdiction of the government.

We have a right to get whatever health care we choose. 

The health care sector makes up more than 15% of our economy. Whenever the government gets involved with any sector, costs soar.

We are looking at increases in taxes to support this reform, and regulation will be heavy.

Our money is going to go to the Federal government for a less-than-optimum service. 

The Rich Penalized

You’ll never get innovation and creation when those who do the innovating and creating are penalized.

With this health plan, those who make large incomes will pay taxes to subsidize the poor. How is this beneficial to society?

We have no dying people in the street. We currently have costly though effective medical services. 

Socialized medicine will have us well on the way to the one-world government these New World Order bankers desire.

The more control of the people, the more power and wealth the bankers will obtain.

They can even monitor us with this system, as we’ll all end up with National Medical IDs.

Yes, Big Brother. Some Republican health care reform suggestions are excellent.

For example, Ron Paul, a Republican Congressman, has intelligent solutions.

It’s putting them into practice that is the trick, especially when the banking mafia literally runs Washington.

The American people will have to take the reins and force the issue. 

Stand Up for Liberty 

Whether Democrat or Republican health care reform, we can’t allow our system to become socialized and on the road to tyranny.

We must support our Constitution and everything it stands for.

We must insist upon our right to choose the way we handle our health.

We must insist the government stay out of the picture.

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