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Satellite Dish Pointing at an Entertainment Paradise

Or is Your Satellite Dish Pointing At the Truth?

Iis your Satellite Dish Pointing to receive information? 

What about your internal political satellite? 

Are you receiving the information you should receive? 

Or is your internal political satellite dish blocking out the important signals that tell you what’s going on in the world today? 

Unbeknown to the vast majority of Americans today, there is a cunning, devious and ruthless group of political and financial elites.

They are very close to complete and utter global domination.

Many people find it difficult to believe that such a group exists.

However, given the aspirations of powerful people in history, it would be incredible if there wasn’t a group today which wasn’t trying to dominate the world once and for all.

Why people find this hard to believe is a complete mystery.

There is a group today bent on global domination and they are the old moneychangers and the ruling elites.

They see the opportunity to grab power on the planet Earth once and for all with themselves as the Masters and the rest of humanity as their slaves.

They are moving ever closer to this goal with each passing day.

The tactics they use include dumbing down the population through a substandard education system, medicating children to divorce them from their feelings, making sure that the food we eat is tightly controlled by large corporations and many other activities.

Satellite Dish Pointing

What Your Satellite Dish is Missing

There are those who point to chemtrails as one way that the earth’s population is being fed heavy metal chemicals to have an impact on their critical thinking abilities.

Rockefeller once said that he didn’t want a nation of thinkers, he wanted a nation of workers.

The worker ant populations in the colony of planet Earth are soon to be completed.

The education system, the food chain, the police state, the political systems and legal frameworks all exist in order to marshal the ordinary people to obey the will of the increasingly powerful Big Brother state.

The Thoughts You Think aren’t Your Own

The centres and the last elements of freethinking in society are easily dealt with thanks to the incredibly powerful surveillance society that now exists in virtually all western countries.

The ability to have free speech, to speak out and dissent, to hold a firearm and to disobey the will of the all-powerful state is shrinking before our eyes.

As the doors close, all Americans care about is that the satellite dish is working to broadcast propaganda and the distracting programming that we see on the media today.

The steady diet of trivial news which captivates so many of the young is one of the key planks, along with a deep need for social belonging, which the masters use in order to mentally enslave the rest of us.

They have had almost a century to perfect their means of mind control by using television and entertainment.

There really only is one question about where is your satellite dish pointing.

Is your satellite dish pointing to American gladiators are at American presidents?

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