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Satellite Spy Equipment Can be Used to Torture

Satellite Spy Equipment Can Be Used to Torture an Individual Target.

Satellite spy equipment can be used to not only take images but also to torture a target by broadcasting images and sounds that bypass the normal patterns of hearing and go unnoticed by the target as an invasion and attack. 

There are many ways in which satellite can invade your privacy and one of the ways is by eavesdropping or using audio technology. 

A satellite can use a laser listening device and even a simple telephone when not in use can be used as a microphone allowing the spy to listen in. 

Televisions, telephones, microwaves, computers all technology can be used to tap into via satellite and spy upon you. 

The satellite spy equipment in operation today and used by the government can record what you might be writing within your home as you are writing it. 

Have you ever wondered why everything is getting more and more expensive including food except for technological toys and phones and televisions and iPods and computers and gps systems and any other technology that is made so readily available to everyone? 

The more technology that is being used by the public gives easier ways for the equipment to be used to spy upon the public and creates an ironic situation of voluntary enslavement. 

The ability to chat, send instant messages, text and access your email with your cell phone are all ways that allow for your “personal” communications to be tapped into and stored in the central data banks.

The ability to chat, send instant messages, text and access your email with your cell phone are all ways that allow for your “personal” communications to be tapped into and stored in the central data banks.

Cars with GPS Turned on, Phones, Wireless Computers or Anything Else that Needs a Signal Can be Intercepted Via Satellite 

The world is packed full of technology and we are all supporting the mass population to be spied upon by continuing to grow dependent upon our computers and other technological conveniences. 

Are you ready to give them up and walk away from your phone, your computer, and your iPod or mp3 player?

Things simply could not be this bad could they that we need to step away from technology and quietly move towards quiet areas and off the grid. 

The equipment that you may be innocently using to navigate around your town or listen to your loved ones on the cell as you walk around a park may be the most dangerous weapon you have ever encountered. 

The Super Bowls were a Training Ground for the NGA to Use and Develop Satellite Spy Cameras

This was admitted by the intelligence agency and was admitted with pride in that fact.

They bragged about how they helped to expand security at the Super Bowls. 

They cooperated with private groups in hotels and ballrooms during Presidential inaugurations to link with local mapping systems to “secure” major events or to act should a perceived terrorist situation occur. 

Pattern Recognition Systems and Voice Activated Phones and Computers Seem so Very Sophisticated 

These are even more prone to satellite spy equipment and now the spy has your voice and patterns recorded to help monitor your feelings, thoughts and habits yikes. 

Maybe we should all go back to invisible ink and paper that evaporates when wet, learn sign language and hope for the best as this spying by our government keeps growing out of control.

1 Comment on - Satellite Spy Equipment Can be Used to Torture

  • Kirt October 30, 2022 Reply

    Hello I am being torchured by satalite in lake ozark mo 65049 97 crabapple circle 119 Bonnie point could you please find out who mustang task force Bobby kile Chris twitchell camdenton county police dept village marina lake ozark someone is beaming down in these area police won’t do shit public safety been notified thank you for your tume

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