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Secret Federal Reserve Bank News

Federal Reserve Bank News Would Reveal the Swindling of the Public Out of Their Money and Country. The Elite Banking Cabal Has Taken Over With Their NWO.

Federal Reserve Bank news catches the attention of nearly every American today.

Yet the Founding Fathers strongly opposed the formation of such a central banking system.

Our Founding Fathers understood the potential for abuse.

England had tried to place the new American colonies under the monetary control of the private Bank of England.

Founding Fathers such as Thomas Jefferson and James Madison viewed a central bank as a source of speculation, financial manipulation and corruption.

In their wisdom, the Founding Fathers understood that a central banking system provided the perfect opportunity for politicians to be bought and sold, the fate of the country and its citizens dictated completely by the elite.

Thomas Jefferson felt so strongly against a central banking system that he considered it the end of democracy and the defeat of the American revolution when the United States government falls into the hands of lending institutions and other financial corporations.

With the establishment of a central banking system, all Federal Reserve bank news revolves around privatized money and a system that is not governed by the intended democratic policy.

Instead private interests that promote the motives of a privileged few run the economy.

The Federal Reserve is funded and governed by elite banking families.

The rise and fall of the American financial system rides too closely on the whims of those too far removed from the reality of every day life.

Call for Audits

In nearly every other industry, third-party audits are conducted in order to have accountability and ensure that processes in place deliver transparency and maintain integrity.

Discrepancies identified in the audit process spurn corporate leaders to enforce policies and jobs can be lost as a result of activities that violate standard and lawful practices.

Yet the central banking system of the United States, as reported in all Federal Reserve bank news, escapes the standard checks and balances normally put in place to protect stakeholders.

As a result, the one organization with the greatest number of stakeholders in the country has no accountability, no transparency and no interest in protecting those whose money it is entrusted to steward.

Federal Reserve Bank News: Devaluation

In the midst of the continuing downward spiral of the US economy, the dollar continues its fall in value.

To combat this negative direction, new dollars have been flooding the market.

Yet this has an adverse effect as it increases the chances for faster inflation in the global economy.

As more and more money continues to be printed and its value diminished, investors are more likely to seek profits in harder currencies and commodities.

This change in focus will change the global market, and not for the better.

Now relief is being recommended by such power players as Morgan Stanley, suggesting that the Dollar be sold against the Euro to fight against rapid deflation.

The dollar has been exposed to its vulnerabilities as a result of the actions by the Federal Reserve and the Euro and the Yen are facing appreciation as a result.

Federal Reserve isn’t Really Federal

What most might find the most surprising in Federal Reserve bank news is the reality that the Federal Reserve is not a government entity.

While the power to coin money and regulate its value and that of any foreign coins was provided in the first Article of the United States Constitution to Congress, the reality is that the United States has no power to issue money, control its flow or even distribute it.

This all belongs to a private corporation, or technically to commercial banks. It is a sign of the tyranny the Founding Fathers sought to avert.

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