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Security Camera Surveillance Equipment

Security Camera Surveillance Equipment: Big Brother is Watching Everything You do. 

Security camera surveillance equipment is popping up everywhere and no matter where you live in North American you can be assured that you’ve been caught on video. 

Although security companies and police officials may call this legal surveillance, the reality is that your privacy is being invaded. 

Surveillance cameras can be found everywhere including traffic lights, in banks and schools, at ATM machines, on sidewalks, and at the Super Bowl. 

Most people would agree that camera surveillance is nothing more than another way for privacy to be invaded and for Big Brother to keep an eye on people. 

There are laws against putting surveillance cameras in places such as washrooms and locker rooms because these are areas where even the government still agrees that privacy is a given right. 

But that doesn’t mean that security camera surveillance equipment isn’t being put everywhere else. 

In fact, in some cities like New York and Baltimore, there are entire areas of the city that are being caught on tape. 

What makes all this even more disturbing is that with today’s technology not every camera will be visible to us and this means we won’t even know when we’re being watched and taped. 

The Orwellian Big Brother nightmare is here and anything to say or do can and will be held against you, but not in a court of law.

Advancing Technology

Technology for security camera surveillance equipment is becoming more and more advanced every year, making it possible for cameras to be placed almost anywhere, so they can record your actions or take your photo. 

Picture clarity on surveillance systems will leave little doubt as to the identity of people, with many tapings being archived for years to come, which means that somewhere you were five years ago won’t just be a distant memory but a recording that will be able to be accessed if the government or police officials want to know what you were doing. 

This may be one way to fight back against crime as criminals will be easily placed at the scene of a crime and all that needs to be done is run back a tape to identify them.

But is this benefit worth the price of losing our right to privacy?

Do we want the government to be able to keep an eye on us every time we leave our homes? 

Facial recognition software allows even the dimmest picture to be found with broad search equipment in seconds.

The Abuse of Power 

It may seem as though we’re talking about two different things, but the Founding Fathers of the United States were well aware of what could happen if the government became too powerful.

They created the Bill of Rights as assurance that our rights would be protected. 

Although the eventuality of security camera surveillance equipment could not be conceived by the Founding Fathers, they were able to understand that government would always seek to have more power over the people, and a corrupt government would make the country intolerable. 

Electronic surveillance equipment infringes on our rights to be alone.

Security cameras may be an advantage for law enforcement, allowing police to observe criminals freely without being noticed.

But in order to separate the criminals from the innocent, police have to do a lot surveillance of everyone that falls into the eye of the camera. 

Privacy Concerns

When does the use of security camera surveillance equipment become an invasion of privacy?

In recent years this is the question that is being asked by human rights advocates, government, and law enforcement, to name a few.

And current software makes even the most remote cameras instantly accessible to government agencies, many of which are highly corrupt. 

In defense of the use of security cameras, and other surveillance devices, both government and law enforcement will tell you that surveillance is there to protect you and not to keep an eye on your every movement.

But human rights organizations will tell you that surveillance has nothing to do with protecting us, and everything to do with meddling in our private affairs. 

One of the unfortunate side effects of having video surveillance everywhere is that people are starting to consider being watched as just a natural occurrence any time they’re out in public.

It’s disturbing how quickly people are willing to give up their rights to privacy when they become complacent about what is really happening. 

Perhaps it’s already too late to fight back against the installation of surveillance equipment on every corner.

But it is not too late to wake up and see the government for what it is, a service arm for the global elite.

Stop looking to government for safety, your safety lies inside of you, it lies in Who you are.

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