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September 11 Incident Facts

The September 11 Incident Was the Work of the Government. The Twin Towers Were Brought Down With Controlled Demolition to Justify Invasion & Occupation of the Middle East.

The September 11 incident was a monstrosity and the cruelty involved in its planning and execution impossible to believe.

Maximum fear was quickly achieved with the use of more than one heinous act resulting in thousands of deaths.

The government then claimed these heinous acts were the result of terrorists, but the truth is they were the result of the government we elected and the shadow government pulling their strings.

The elected government was, and is still, simply a puppet government completely under the direction of the shadow government run by the banking elite whose only goal is the New World Order.

Let’s look at a few of the facts pertaining to the World Trade Center.

From the moment the WTC was hit the Bush administration claimed the cause of the collapse of the towers was the burning jet fuel.

Proving otherwise was difficult because FEMA quickly took away any evidence.

However there are some facts you need to consider. If there were 10,000 gallons of jet fuel burning how could there be photos of people walking around the North Tower’s gaping hole.

The September 11 incident has been filled with government lies right from the start.

The Fires Out

The September 11 incident has many discrepancies. Within 16 minutes of the North Tower being hit, the flames had been extinguished.

The quick extinguishing of the flames actually made it quite easy to stop a total collapse from occurring.

The fire ran out of fuel quickly and thereby damage should have been contained to the floors the plane directly impacted, yet the tower collapsed.

The FDNY fire fighters heard explosions but still today, they are banned from talking about what they saw and heard.

There was not a single fire chief who believed the impact of the plane could have caused the towers to collapse.

There were also no engineers that believed the tower could collapse in this manner.

Demolition experts can tell you exactly how the explosives would have been placed to bring down this enormous steel structure.

Domestic Terrorism Strikes

But still the government denies any wrong doing and continues to blame terrorists for this heinous act.

While we send our men and women off to war to fight a battle that had nothing to do with 911, the people responsible remain free.

It is Bush and his administration that should be brought to justice, along with the banking elite behind them.

The real terrorists we should have been chasing are the ones we elected to power and the ones who manipulate them from behind the scenes.

The banking elite have been buying politicians for decades now and we stand by and do nothing about it.

Here we were looking afar to Afghanistan and Iraq, and we should be looking to Washington. Obama is as much a puppet as Bush.

Who Really Rules America

If you think because we elect a government they are there to work for us, you are wrong.

It is the shadow government who is controlling the government.

The shadow government includes the banking mafia and a host of other secret organizations.

Make no mistake the goal of the shadow government is to make the New World Order a reality. A dictator running the planet.

The September 11 incident was the start of a slippery slope down to hell.

There is still time for Americans to take back America. It’s time to find out what’s really going on.

It’s time for Americans to do what they do best, fight for the freedom they believe in.

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