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Significant Accountability Quotations

Significant Accountability Quotations

Read a Collection of Accountability Quotations. Take a Moment to Examine Who is Accountable for Our Police State Today; We Allow Ourselves to be Ruled by Elites.

Accountability quotations can offer enlightenment and inspiration to those who wish to pass along the spirit of personal responsibility and accountability.

Enjoy the following quotes, and think of sharing them with others in your life.

”One has the right to be wrong in a democracy.”

– Claude Pepper

Accountability Quotes

”The more we sweat in peace the less we bleed in war.”

– Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit

”For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.

”For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”

– St. Paul

”In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.

”Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I didn’t speak up because I was a protestant.

”Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak for me.”

– Reverend Martin Niemoeller

”Before 1776 America was a British colony. The British Government had certain laws and rules that the colonized Americans rejected as not being in their best interests.

”In spite of the British conviction that Americans had no right to establish their own laws to promote the general welfare of the people living here in America, the colonized immigrant felt he had no choice but to raise the gun to defend his welfare.

”Simultaneously he made certain laws to ensure his protection from external and internal aggressions, from other governments, and his own agencies. One such form of protection was the Declaration of Independence, which states.

”… whenever any government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such forms as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

”Now these same colonized White people, these bondsmen, paupers, and thieves deny the colonized Black man not only the right to abolish this oppressive system, but to even speak of abolishing it.”

– Huey P. Newton

Accountability Quotations

”I believe more follies are committed out of complaisance to the world, than in following our own inclinations.”

– Mary Wortley Montagu

”The busybodies have begun to infect American society with a nasty intolerance a zeal to police the private lives of others and hammer them into standard forms. A Nation of Finger Pointers.”

– Lance Morrow

”If large numbers of people believe in freedom of speech, there will be freedom of speech even if the law forbids it.

”But if public opinion is sluggish, inconvenient minorities will be persecuted, even if laws exist to protect them.”

– George Orwell

”The voice of protest, of warning, of appeal is never more needed than when the clamor of fife and drum, echoed by the press and too often by the pulpit, is bidding all men fall in and keep step and obey in silence the tyrannous word of command.

”Then, more than ever, it is the duty of the good citizen not to be silent.”

– Charles Eliot Norton

”But if you say, you can still pass the violations over, then I ask, hath your house been burnt? Hath your property been destroyed before your face?

”Are your wife and children destitute of a bed to lie on, or bread to live on? Have you lost a parent or a child by their hands, and yourself the ruined and wretched survivor?

”If you have not, then you are not a judge of those who have. But if you have, and can still shake hands with the murderers, then you are unworthy of the name of husband, father, friend, or lover, and whatever may be your rank or title in life, you have the heart of a coward and the spirit of a sycophant.”

– Thomas Paine

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