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Speech Recognition System

A Speech Recognition System Incorporated Into Existing Surveillance Cameras Makes it Possible for Elites to See and Hear Average Citizens Throughout Their Daily Routines.

The dangers of a speech recognition system are becoming more apparent.

Every day we see more people who simply don’t understand that these activities are a clear violation of Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights.

The banking mafia wants to be able to know everything you are doing and saying at any given time throughout your daily rituals.

Having a camera in a store to protect from shoplifting is one thing but to have them on street corners, building tops and streetlamps is a bit excessive.

People are not seeing the overall picture when its comes to devices and systems such as these.

A speech recognition system is nothing more than watching us in a camera not being enough control.

Why would anyone need to hear a conversation that takes place on the street or in an alley?

Is this how frightened we are of terrorists?

The first thing people need to realize about all of this tracking and monitoring is that we are not under any real threat from a terrorist network.

Terrorists did not blow up the World Trade Centers.

This was an act of treason that was committed by the U.S. government in an attempt to do exactly what they are doing which is taking away our civil liberties, freedoms, and privacy because were afraid of a manifested, make believe enemy.

Speech Recognition System Form of Control

The lies of 9/11 have fueled every system of control we are seeing today.

The people who really believe that terrorists attacked us have never done a single bit of research on this subject.

What we are being told is not physically possible. It does not take a genius to see what the genius’ have figured out about this day.

A speech recognition system is just another product of that horrific day. Terrorists did not hijack commercial airliners. T

here is no way that Americans would be afraid of box cutters in the hands of someone that was of Middle Eastern decent.

To say that they were is an insult to every American.

Political Aftermath of 9/11

The Patriot Act is one reason that we are seeing all this surveillance of the American population.

We are supposed to believe that with this act we are being protected from the threat of terror.

The problem that lies within this sentiment is that we are not being protected from the people who attacked this country.

The banking mafia has used this event as a cataclysmic reform of the way we monitor our citizens.

We have lost one civil liberty after another since this day.

This allowed them to change everything we know about freedom.

Average Americans being monitored has nothing to do with 9/11.

Banking Mafia are Masters of Deception

If you sincerely believe that we were attacked by terrorists and that they had the precision to pull that day off the way they said they did we would certainly have been subjected to another attack from then to now.

We haven’t because terrorists did not do this.

If there are any doubts in your mind please copy and paste the URL below into your address bar and watch the documentary on this event.

If you are still uncertain then go to a site that has a memorial setup for the people on United 93.

You will see that of the people that allegedly perished on that flight nobody seems to know.

The comments that are posted for people on the flight are either non-existent or from people who never knew the person.

If you had someone that tragically died on one of those flights don’t you think there would be hundreds of comments from friends and family?

This is not the case and why do you think that is?

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