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The 14 Signs of Fascism

The 14 Signs of Fascism

Beware of the 14 Signs of Fascism. America’s Takeover is More Overt With Policies That Are Outright Dictatorial in Spirit and Substance; This Regime Must be Taken Down Now.

Be aware of the 14 signs if fascism as they come to America. Our Constitution is being destroyed as we sit and watch.

We are coming under totalitarian rule by a New World Order. Watch for the signs of a police state.

For every step made to approach one world government rule we must take an action to push it back.

If you simply watch, inactive and sitting on the couch in front of the TV, you will soon regret your inaction and complacency.

We very well might end up with a fascist regime like that of Hitler, but without the loud speeches or oppressive takeover.

It can come quietly like a thief in the night, and steal our freedom. So read carefully and begin to take action now, before it’s too late.

We need to keep America free, ensuring equal rights and liberty for every citizen.

The first and most obvious sign of fascism in this country today is the obsession with our national security.

In every fascist state, fear is commonly used as a tool to control the masses. It motivates people in the direction the government wants them to go.

The results can be seen today with human rights being trampled.

14 Sings of Fascism are Scary

Number Two: In fascist regimes, human rights become disdainful to the rulers.

The people are told to ignore human rights issues in ”certain cases”. The public is encouraged to ”look the other way” when torture or unjust incarcerations happen.

Number Three: People are rallied to an almost-frenzy against some common ”foe”.

Number Four: The media is controlled by the government or by sympathetic spokespeople or executives.

You see this today in major media moguls sitting on the Council of Foreign Relations intertwining their mind control transmissions with their policy aims for continued corporate domination.

Number Five: The leaders in business and industry put the government leaders in power, creating a mutually beneficial relationship.

Number Six: The state is made the ultimate controller of the family institution. You find a male-dominated regime, with rigid gender roles.

Number Seven: The most common religion is used as a manipulative tool. Religious rhetoric is used to gain support even when what they are doing is actually anti-religious.

Signs of the Times

Number Eight: The military is glorified and bloated in budget even when it means failing to deal with domestic despair.

Number Nine: The fascist states make powerful use of slogans and symbols, even particular songs, to draw people into feeling heavily nationalistic and loyal to state functionaries.

Another of the 14 signs of fascism is Number Ten: Unions are suppressed and decimated towards total elimination.

Number Eleven: Fascism disdains the intellectual and the artist. It opposes higher education.

Free expression is attacked. Academics come under attack for their open speech and views.

All Too Familiar

These 14 signs of fascism may sound familiar. The last three are no more mystical than the rest.

Number Twelve: Police are given virtually unlimited power to enforce laws. Patriotism will require citizens to overlook abuses and liberty violations.

Number Thirteen: Friends and family of the elite dominate the government.

Number Fourteen: Elections are a sham and a fraud. Welcome to the 21st Century in America. 

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