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The 1913 Federal Reserve Act Hijacking

The 1913 Federal Reserve Act Hijacking

The 1913 Federal Reserve Act Sold the United States Out From Under the People and Into the Hands of the Banking Elite and Their New World Order.

The 1913 Federal Reserve Act would change the way of American banking forever.

Prior to 1863, banking in the United States was certainly not dependable nor was it easy.

The First Bank and the Second Bank were the official Treasury representatives.

Other banks were privately owned and operated under a charter. All of these banks competed with each other.

So too did working people who looking for a piece of the pie moved into the new urban centers that sprang up with the industrial revolution.

On Jekyll Island in Georgia at a small country club, some of the biggest bankers and industrialists with key allies in government met to discuss how to expand the lion’s share of the wealth exclusively for themselves.

The result was the Federal Reserve Act.

The Act established the Federal Reserve System, which converted all US banking into private hands.

With this law, the Constitutional power of Congress to make money was handed over to the usurers.

Profiting the Wealthy

The 1913 Federal Reserve Act means the American money system is not government money. The Federal Reserve Banks are a private cartel.

It profits as a result of money being printed through the Treasury who then regulates the value of that money.

Today, the Federal Reserve is made up of an international banking elite that has attained wealth beyond even the dreams of the founders of this system.

The Government Creates Money Privately

Why did Americans allow the government to turn over the creation of money to private individuals and corporations?

Why was the government so hasty to turn over the country’s money control using the 1913 Federal Reserve Act to do so?

It was a plain and simple robbery leaving the taxpayer on the hook. It’s a bit like having your pocket picked each year.

That’s really what the government seems to be doing. The national debt for the United States has surpassed $9 trillion.

The government spends not only current tax dollars but the tax dollars of numerous generations to come.

And, while the average American becomes poorer the cartel that controls the Federal Reserve becomes richer.

The dollar continues to be devalued as a result of inflation, but inflation is occurring because they continue to print more and more currency.

Here is Some Food for Thought

”Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.”
-Paul Warburg, one of the authors of the Federal Reserve Act.

”It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolt before tomorrow morning.”
-Henry Ford, father of the automobile.

It seems that the 1913 Federal Reserve Act may have actually been the downfall of what could have been a great civilization.

But as long as this monetary order is in place the yolk of indentured servitude of the majority of working people to a small elite group will be perpetual.

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