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The Abraham Lincoln Assassin Did Not Act Alone

The Abraham Lincoln Assassin Did Not Act Alone

The Abraham Lincoln Assassin Was Part Of a Mason Plot. Many Non-Mason Presidents in History Have Been Killed & Replaced by a Mason VP Who Serves NWO.

Many believe that there was only one Abraham Lincoln assassin.

While it is true that one person pulled the trigger, it is often forgotten that he was part of a larger conspiracy to kill Lincoln.

John Wilks Booth fired the deadly shot. In the days following the assassination, several people were found to be part of the conspiracy.

It is interesting to note that most people would deny that conspiracies exist, but the assassination of Lincoln is a conspiracy backed up by verifiable historical records.

For that, matter, the American Revolution was the result of a conspiracy of a group of men to end British rule in America.

The original plan was to kidnap Lincoln, but he had a change of travel plans, so the conspirators missed their opportunity.

They decided to kill him instead. They also decided to kill several other people, including Secretary of State William Seward and Vice President Andrew Johnson.

Lewis Powell succeeded in killing Seward, but Johnson’s would-be assassin did not go through with the plan.

The conspiracy involved at least eight people. All eight were tried and sentenced.

Some were given life in prison, and some were given the death penalty.

Accomplices to Abraham Lincoln Assassin

The other conspirators were Mrs. Mary Surratt, David Herold, Lewis Powell, George Atzerodt, Michael O’Laughlin, Samuel Arnold, Edman Spangler and Dr. Samuel Mudd.

They were found guilty in the assassination, and Lewis Paine was found guilty of murdering Seward.

They all were convicted, although the sentences varied. Powell, Atzerodt, Surratt and Herold were given the death penalty and were hanged.

The rest were given life sentences. Spangler, Arnold and Mudd were later pardoned by Johnson. O’Laughlin died in prison.

Were there Others Working with the Abraham Lincoln Assassin?

There are theories that there were others involved in the conspiracy.

Some theorize that the Confederacy had a part in the assassination, while others believe the Vatican was involved.

The best alternate theory, however, is that Lincoln was killed by the banking cartel for printing money without the banks.

At any rate, it is clear that there was a conspiracy, and most people never hear of it. Why would this not be taught in schools?

It is part of the history of one of the most beloved presidents.

Perhaps someone has a vested interest in the public not knowing that conspiracies can and do happen.

1 Comment on - The Abraham Lincoln Assassin Did Not Act Alone

  • Mike August 30, 2019 Reply

    “Spangler, Arnold and Mudd were later pardoned by Johnson” wouldn’t this info confirm that Johnson was part of the plot and maybe the assassination attempt was meant to fail?

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