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The Actions of the Federal Reserve

The Actions of the Federal Reserve Only Serve the Interests of the Global Banking Cabal Without Any Checks and Balances.

The Federal Reserve, the nation’s central bank, manages the economy.

Among the actions of the Federal Reserve are the control of the federal funds rate, the printing of money and the obstruction and manipulation of economic information given to the public.

Who holds the Federal Reserve responsible? The Federal Reserve is only loosely supervised by Congress, whose position the Federal Reserve may choose to ignore.

Since its establishment in 1913, the Federal Reserve has never been audited and is run completely independently by its private owners.

Where is the bailout money coming from?

The problems in the credit markets are tied to the borrowing and the printing of this money by the Federal Reserve. How do these factors affect Americans?

The value of the dollar is subject to control by parties that serve private banking interests, not the general public.

This information necessitates the secrecy of the Federal Reserve and the control of its information outflow.

The Fed’s Game: Loan and Print

The Federal Reserve lends money to depository institutions, including the federal government.

Since the government does not have the money to pay the debt with interest, the government must again borrow money from the Federal Reserve, which holds a monopoly on the printng of money.

The Federal Reserve also regulates key interest rates that control how much the dollar can buy.

Every dollar that gets printed for circulation depreciates the value of each dollar that is already in circulation.

Compounding the problem, average salaries are shrinking across the nation and jobless rates are rising.

Consumers are making less, and every dollar they do make is worth less.

There is no longer enough money to pay off the national debt. The Federal Reserve prints money out of nothing, causing inflation.

Both items show the actions of the Federal Reserve comprise a monopoly by the banking elite.

Every bank note printed by the Federal Reserve is backed not by gold or silver, but by faith in the government, which is at the mercy of the private interests running the Federal Reserve.

Fooled by Misinformation?

The actions of the Federal Reserve readily reflect the interests of the private banking elite and the corporations they control.

On December 16, 2008, the Federal Reserve declared a target range for the federal funds rate between 0.00% and 0.25%. This is the interest rate banks charge each other on overnight loans.

Cutting this rate down to virtually nothing serves the interests of the Federal Reserve.

The only guarantee offered is the government’s promise to pay back its loans, which it cannot do without the Federal Reserve.

It does so with fiat money that is only valid because the government requires it to be accepted.

This is money that has been printed and loaned to the government by the Fed.

Instead of losing money in the stock market or putting the money in failing banks, people can place their money in government bonds that the government can repay with newly printed, newly borrowed fiat money.

The ones who benefit, of course, are the few that run the Federal Reserve.

Where are the Checks and Balances?

The Federal Reserve’s history shows a lack of checks and balances. Since its founding in 1913, it has never been audited.

The board of governors of the Federal Reserve System oversees the activities of the Federal Reserve banks, and the board members are appointed by the president of the United States.

After the board has been assembled, the representation of the federal government is limited. The Federal Reserve banks control the information flowing to local government agencies about their finances.

Reported values are supposed to be controlled so these banks do not issue loans beyond what borrowers can repay.

The lack of enforcement of controls has significantly contributed to the recession throughout 2008.

The Federal Reserve can create its own money, so it has no need for congressional funding.

Therefore, secrecy endures around the actions of the Federal Reserve.

No Disclosure

Transcripts of Federal Reserve meetings take years to become available.

Requests from news agencies for disclosure are ignored, as in the cases of Bloomberg News and Fox Business Network.

Since March of 2006, the Federal Reserve has not published M3 data, the only measurement of total circulating money.

Carefully worded speeches shroud policy decisions in a cloak of “Fed speak”.

This is all designed to control what the public hears, knows, and thinks.

The actions of the Federal Reserve make taxpayers responsible for the risk of lending and borrowing.

Bailouts paid with higher taxes provide exit strategies for private interests, but at the expense of the people whom the system is supposed to serve.

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