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The American Global Economic Policy and the Federal Reserve

The World Bank Global Economic Policy Exposed.

During the last century the banking industry has been working steadily towards a global economic policy. 

The ordinary citizen of any country would not like to hear that banks create money for their own profit and that those who control the credit of people direct the policy of governments. 

Paper money is basically a note of promise that says, if you go to the bank with your paper money you will be given gold or silver to the value of the paper.

Most people believe that this is true and so they are happy to trade with the paper. 

Banks can only practice this kind of money system with the cooperation of government.

If governments enforce debt repayment they are cooperating with the banks.

International circulation of paper money is global and the banks are supposed to be holding an equal amount of gold and silver in their vaults to the same value of these notes.

If every person went to the bank on the same day and asked for gold or silver to the value of their notes, the bankers would not be able to keep their promise of payment. 

Federal Reserve: The Monster

World Government and World Currency 

Bankers own the globe because they have the power to create, print or manufacture money. 

The World Bank is a privately run company that is legally entitled to create or manufacture money from nothing. 

If governments have the legal right to coin their own money and control its value, why are they not doing so? 

The governments borrow the money from a private banking institution and then makes use of a bank loan to dictate the global economic policy.

International Banking Policies

Take note of this quote in a speech to a gathering of world bankers on 12 February 1912 by Meyer Nathaniel Rothchild:

“Let me control a peoples currency and I care not who makes their laws.”

A year later the United States of America became a client of the Federal Reserve, headed up by Mr. Rothchild.

Economic world policies would play a major role in a global parliament, global courts, global currency and global taxation, to control every aspect of life as we know it. 

This will also include policies on how to globally govern the creation of new markets and wealth.

A global economic policy could cause huge suffering to to billions of people. The masses would be dependent on corrupt businesses all linked to international banking institutions.

Global Banking Institution

A global economic policy means that the poor become poorer with rising consumer prices. 

International corporations and their shareholders will be able to make major decisions on world health policies, education and many other facets of life. 

Agricultural producers would be dictated to by the world market. There would be global exploitation of natural resources. 

The major question is who would control the global currency of the world? The obvious answer would be the international bankers.

They are already the experts and advisers of monetary policies. 

To which countries would they lend money for arms and ammunition? Could they cause a world famine with their economic policies?

There are many questions that each of us must ask and then answer, for ourselves and the for the sake of our children.

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