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The American Psychiatry Plan

American Psychiatry Wants the Mandatory Screening and Monitoring of Every American. The New World Elite Want to Control Our Minds While They Steal Our Money and Freedom.

American psychiatry wants to screen the public for mental illness. What basis do they have to say that someone is mentally ill?

What person in this world hasn’t had some tough times and felt depressed? The banking elite want the right to say who is sick and who isn’t.

In the past, people had to find a way out of their problems and learn to deal with them, hopefully with the support of family and friends. It wasn’t always easy, but whoever said life was easy?

There are situations in life that have to be dealt with. Decades ago, there were no drugs to turn to in order to ”fix” our problems.

But later, American psychiatry promoted themselves as the only ones who could handle the mental health field.

They made a monopoly out of the distress of those who were going through tough times. They make up labels for every mental illness they can find.

With no scientific medical component that delineates a mental disease, every distress a spiritual being could feel as part of the process of living can now be termed a mental health problem.

This opens the door for diagnosis based solely on subjective analysis. With no scientific evidence that so-called chemical imbalances are creating problems, who can prove these imbalances are really there?

Who can show the scientific knowledge that psychiatry in America claims to have is valid? We are not our brains. We are spiritual entities who think, feel, dream and laugh.

The banking elite don’t see it that way. They own not only the Federal Reserve, and therefore our money, the media and most major international companies in the world, but they also own the drug companies.

Their goal is to form a New World Order full of complacent, drugged people who cannot resist when they take away all their freedom.

Controlling the Population

When you have kids as young as nine years old being screened for mental problems, when school children are being stigmatized by labels that deem them unfit in some way, it leads the way to dictate what our future generations should do and think.

They become dependent on some American psychiatry program to show them who they are.

A teen that is simply going through the difficult time of puberty is called mentally imbalanced and supplied with medication.

The teen becomes convinced there is something wrong with him or her that only some government psychiatry program can care for.

Their future develops into one of despair and fear. They are then controllable.

Only the Beginning

Teen Screening is only the beginning of the problem. Soon it will be required that every American citizen be screened. At that point, we can be manipulated into taking harmful drugs.

We can be convinced we are faulty as humans and that we don’t know what we are talking about. We can be institutionalized on a whim.

Unfortunately, psychiatric drugs increase the odds of actual mental difficulties stemming from their use. They play with the brains and minds of our children, sometimes creating thoughts of suicide.

These horrendous side effects can make someone think they are going insane. They can create violence in an individual.

Violence in our society gets the population depending on the police for protection. It creates havoc with our freedom and inspires us to agree to give up freedom out of fear.

Creating fear is what psychiatry in America is all about and what the future one world government is all about. Fear is debilitating. Picket against screening. Petition against it.

You can fight to stop the forced drugging of our kids. You can fight to remove the American psychiatry campaign of prescription drug advertisements on television and in our magazines.

See to it that all mental health screening is banned throughout America. 

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