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The Application of Biometrics

Where is the Application of Biometrics Taking Us? Is Orwellian, “Big Brother,” Type Control Already Here in the Form of Today’s Technological Tracking?

The application of biometrics has been with us for some time and is now finding many applications within and outside the government.

The technology is rapidly and probably currently exists somewhere near you.

It has long been felt this technology could easily be used by a Big Brother system, and now it is being made even more usable toward this end.

It actually seems as though the race is on to see who can develop the applications best suited for this purpose the fastest.

The application of biometrics is expanding everywhere.

It used to be that biometrics was mostly limited to government installations and high-tech security offices.

Of course, you may also see it in some the movies where they show secret offices and other restricted areas.

Now, though, the applications are much more common. Areas that need to provide restricted use are adapting the use of biometrics quite easily.

Since many people know about this use and recognize it, it is catching on quite nicely at airports, businesses, banks and more. 

Biometric is seen as advanced technology and a positive way to identify individuals.

Identity Theft: Biometrics Excuse

Currently, biometric technology, as in the case of face recognition, needs to have the object up close in order to scan, but research is working toward the possibility of scanning from a distance.

This could lead to automatic patrolling of areas such as airports when looking for someone.

Another application of biometrics is being spread because of identity theft. With it happening so often, people want the ability to protect their finances and other private information.

Without biometrics, or some other form of protection, anyone can steal and use a credit card or checking account number.

Identity Theft Reduction?

Biometrics, however, can make it possible to reduce the number of identity theft crimes.

As a result, it is being touted this way and it does seem to be a natural solution.

Information about biometrics, however, must be stored on a computer, and computers can be tampered with sooner or later.

Corporations often use biometrics as a way for individuals to authorize money transfers when doing business.

This is becoming more common when large amounts of money are involved and authorizations are needed frequently.

Application of Biometrics Growing

Biometrics, however, can make it possible to reduce the number of identity theft crimes.

As a result, it is being touted this way and it does seem to be a natural solution.

Information about biometrics, however, must be stored on a computer, and computers can be tampered with sooner or later.

Corporations often use biometrics as a way for individuals to authorize money transfers when doing business.

This is becoming more common when large amounts of money are involved and authorizations are needed frequently.

Best Application of Biometrics

The best use (clearest) of biometrics comes when the iris is used. It is more detailed and more easily read.

Countries such as the Netherlands and Canada already use it in passports and Immigration. Japan is experimenting with it at their airports.

The cost of biometric components is certainly coming down. This makes it easier for companies and individuals to use.

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